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Character- Chandra Nalaar



  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    great work on the gloves. they look pretty high poly are you sculpting in HD?
  • A Rabid Bunee
    That is insane how good it looks. I never really thought about MTG and TF2 together but it is pretty sweet. Doing some other planeswalkers would be pretty awesome too, like Jace Beleren as a spy, or Ajani Goldmane as a Heavy, etc. Regardless, keep the good work up. :D
  • StolenPants
    B33TL3: yeah i was a big magic player back in the day, but then money ran low and rent had to be paid so i had to sell my magic cards :( it was a sad day for me. I LOVE the game like crazy and find the strategies and gameplay addictive. Anyways Cheers!

    Illusive: thanks, just working on a bad mamma jammin computer with 12gb of RAMZ0rZ!! RAWR!
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    looks great, keep going! :) 12gb is too much ramz0r imo :)
  • Andrew Mackie
    This character is brilliant looking. The gloves look great too, how long have you spent just on the gloves?
    I'm trying to set time limits for myself based off of people much better than me :]
  • StolenPants
    Rawkstar: Hey dood long time, thanks for the push. When ya coming back to dallas for a visit?

    Andrew Mackie: actually i think i spent a grand total of 1-2 hours on the glove because zbrush crashed and i had to redo it almost all over again. i normally don't have much time to work in my freetime with crunch at work and a baby on the way, but i try to maket he mot of the small time i do get and keep motivated to do it better. in fact sometimes it's a blessing when zbrush crashes because the more times you do something the better you get and ya find tricks that make things less tedious.

    anyways i'll post some updates tomorrow i hope, the gauntlet redesign is coming i swear!
  • Dusty
    Its lookin bangarang.
  • Jon Rush
    By the cloven hooves of Pan!!!!

    This is coming along great!
  • StolenPants
    did a lo poly blockout for the gauntlet redesign.. i think i like it more. i wanted that side of her body to feel heavier and more armored. i deviated quite a bit from the concepts but my plan was to kinda make it my own and make it BIG. anyways hope you like it, and if not please provide feedback!

  • OMGod
    I like that a lot more than the last one. I'm thinking there should be some sort of connection between that gauntlet and the shoulder pad though. You know? Like she's drawing power from her spine or something, I don't know just something I was thinking, it's your creation :). Great job so far.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    it doesn't look like she can bend her arm with that on.
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    but it does look like she can punch a hole in a wall,
    I like the bigness of it.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Looks too linear to me, like she has a big tube in place of arm, hellboy syndrome (it fits to hellboy but not to your curvy sexy yet dangerous character)
  • StolenPants
    I'm thinking i can prolly scale it down a bit to make sure it's feasible that she can bend her arm correctly. i'm not sure it's exactly what i want but i do like it more then her last one. i guess i can try a more feminine version i.e. smaller and more form fitting (sexier) and see what i can come up with but truthfully she isn't the kind of girl to worry about being sexy she just likes to see things explode. i think i might convert the tubes into exhaust vents to get the fire thing across instead of it feeling like an lightning element gauntlet. i was originally gonna try to fill the tubes with "mana" but i'm not sure that'll come across correctly. needless to say the gauntlet is still under construction and thus the benefit of low poly blocking out. Thanks OMGod,ZacD,shrew81,Beatkitano for the feedback it's all really helpful!
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Imho, it doesn't need to conform to her curves, but it needs more rythms, right now your character is very succesful in that area. The new one is really one tube, I know its the block out but it's kinda boring to look at. I'm pretty confident you can do better than that :)
  • Gotshoes
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    Gotshoes polycounter lvl 9
    I really like the design of the new gauntlet but I'm not sure it really fits with the rest of her armor now. The gauntlet is bad ass, don't get me wrong. I just think it needs to echo more of the other armor bits or the other armor bits need more of the gauntlet's design echoed in them.

    I love where it heading, keep plowing through dude. I can't wait to see it finished!
  • Dusty
    I rike the old one morer, but that is how it always goes. I dare say you are right on schedule to finish this! DONT FORGET THE FUNK.
  • StolenPants
    more attempts at finding a gauntlet that fits. ignore the crashing geo since it's for blockout purposes and will be fine tuned after a design is settled on. I wanted to add exhaust vents because i think for the final presentation it'd be cool to have steam or smoke coming out of the gauntlet. not sure if i succeeded in implementing them because they feel very small. so the image on the left is the gauntlet without vents. maybe if i scaled them up more they'd come across better. anyways post em if ya got em, opinions i mean.

  • Andrew Mackie
    The piece is looking great!
    I'm digging the gauntlet with the vents, but perhaps you could place the vents in between the breaks in the gauntlet?
    I do also agree with gochillis, the design either needs to have some aspects repeated on other armor. I look at her shoulder pad [on her left shoulder] and see wavy aspects and then look at her gauntlet and see very edgy and intricate designs.
  • Gotshoes
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    Gotshoes polycounter lvl 9
    Love the new gauntlet! (with vents FTW!) I say echo the vents and the horizontal banding in the shoulder pauldron and you're golden.

    RAW DOG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • woogity
    saw this and thought of your thread, hopefully it will help inspire.

  • StolenPants
    Thanks for the feedback everyone it's been a rough couple days designing 1,001 gauntlets but i think i'm on to something this time that matches her armor.

  • StolenPants
    Orite wanted to update with what i think is the winner of the gauntlet wars!

  • uneditablepoly
    I definitely like the design of the latest gauntlet. Something's bothering me a little about how top-heavy it is (i.e. how the bottom of the gauntlet's mass ends literally before the bottom of her arm). Maybe if you added something a bit more than straps on the bottom that could lend it some weight that would put the center of gravity in a more comfortable place?

    It's not a big deal. It's just whenever I look at this one I picture it sliding off my arm when I try to wear it. :poly124: I love your work so far, by the way. The head is great, not to mention all of the armor detailing.
  • nofacej
    I'm not a big fan of the symmetry in the latest gauntlet. I'd say it's a step back from the previous version in that regard. The added trim on the top layer of the gauntlet looks ace though.

    One thing that bugs me about your model is the boots. There is no way she could walk in them. How does the ankle rotate and the knee bend? I think you should consider how they're meant to function. Oh, and the skirt doesn't fall naturally. Why does it bulge out further than the armour plating and then come back in so sharply? I realise she has hips, but fabric tends to fall straight unless its form fitting or supported by wires which yours is not.
  • woogity
    i think i agree i like the previous one better, but maybe scale up the round bit at the bottom of the guard a little, it kinda seems small to me at the moment.
  • StolenPants
    nofacej: the boots have a metal support similar to a hi heel with the leather leggings bolted onto the metal foot support. the ankle support is less restrictive then a hockey skate but similar construction. the skirt is still technically untouched because i haven't decided if i'll cloth sim it or just zbrush it to final pose, perhaps both.

    woogity: not sure which round part your talking about if ya can describe it i'll cehck it out.

    Found the Magic:the gathering online comics of chandra and saw alot of them had the armor on both sides of her body (depending on the artist that drew that set of panels). figured i'd mirror it over and see what i got since alot fo people are mentioning she feels lopsided (i always liked the one big gauntlet and one big shoulderpad look personally) but here's a quickie of the heavy armored version

  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    I prefer one gauntlet, shoulder pad could work, but it's more original with one (i fancy asymetry these days).

    As for the gauntlet, why you don't try to go the other way: make it massive (but not tubular its boring), could look like a "punch thingy" with tubes and vents for fire like you have now.

    I'm pretty sure it would be cooler if it didn't follow the forms of the arm.

    Anyway I often come back to this thread to see progress, it's been a while i stumbled on something that peaks my interest that much... good sign :)
  • OMGod
    Yeh, I agree with the above. Keep the entire right side of her body and make it look like her main source of attack is that right fist/arm. I thinkk that would be more original and also add a cool effect, as you could have the flame originating from that side and spreading to her other limbs and such.
  • StolenPants
    thanks for the continual feedback BeatKitano and OMGod. I think if i make a big punchy gauntlet it'll look to much like a power fist from warhammer 40k and pull her more sci-fi then fantastical. i'll keep her asymmetrical as usual but i think i'm gonna add a littel bracelet on her other side to cover teh seam between sleeve and glove. i was thinking of putting the magic symbol for red mana somehow into it.

    i'm gonna move on to the other areas while i ponder the gauntlet dilemma since i need a a break from drawing adn blocking out gauntlets and come back to it with fresh eyes.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    looking awesome Ed! I really liked the original padded shoulder armor she had mixed with the big armor piece on the opposite side as it was on the last image from page 3, I think it made a really nice balance.

    Maybe if you gave her a smaller gauntlet on that side that could work out? Also, I know you haven't gotten there yet, but it'd be cool to see the fabric get some more volume/be a little bigger.

    Here's my two cents put into picture form:

  • StolenPants
    thanks for the ideas Sandbag i'll try em out.

    sorry for the lack of updates i've been on a much needed vacation back to new york for a bit and ready to start back up on chandra ( also a bit distracted with Starcraft 2 admittedly, but i'm sure you all understand)
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    Did you ever finish this?
  • StolenPants
    so this has been sitting on my hard drive for 2 years and it's about time i came back to it. i spent a few days reworking and scrapping alot of stuff that was terrible and poorly done and this is where i'm at. got 11 days to finish before diablo 3 so les go!


    hazardous and his inspiring thread on characters is to blame/thank for my desire to finish my version of chandra. and also want to thank jason chan, steve argyle, and aleksi briclot for their takes on my main girl Chandra. hope you like so far and i'll be updating regularly until it's done, i promise *fingers crossed*
  • sciAnce
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Awesome Work on the clothing stolenPants!
    Is this the color sceme your thinking of going with as a base for the texture?
  • BarnabyJones
    subscribing for magic reference and sick modeling (= nice job guy
  • Tokusei
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    Tokusei polycounter lvl 10
    looking nice man! Chandra is a hottie :3 makes me want to try and sculpt liliana :q
    looking forward to the textures :)
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    Oh Cool! I remember following this when you first started. Its weird, somehow I found myself on this thread a month or two ago and I was wondering if you were ever going to get back to it. I'm glad you've picked it back up, and can't wait to see it finished!
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Great character! Cant wait of retopo and textuing!
  • StolenPants
    thanks for the support everyone!

    Dylan Brady: Yes, at least so far these are the colors i'm scheming. Def will be red based.
    Tokusei: It was so hard to choose between the planeswalkers but Chandra holds a special place for me. Liliana was high on my list but i really wanted to do some hard surface armor so Chandra took my pick
    Nerf Bat Ninja: Hey man thanks for keeping the interest, Chandra has been staring at me from my hard drive and i've been getting alot of pm's on my deviantart page to finish her.
  • StolenPants
    minor update, but i'm still battling with design of legs and boots right now.
    added a little skin tone to get a feel for how her head will feel textured and i think i need a few more tweaks to get it to a point i'll be happy with. I hope i'm not deviating to much from her character with my redesign because i worry sometimes i am. this is the point that i wish i had concepted the whole design. originally i had planned to follow an illustration but i let my creative mind wander a bit
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