Don't mean to sound like an ass. But, uhh, you can't submit a picture, you're gonna need some words or something with your post. :P
I'm guessing this is just concept art though before he begins his project.
Although yes, he should have some words on what his theme is...
Also, he might have a hard time doing the 3 models in time now that the competition have only about a week or so left.
You would have made hard competition for the other guys had you started earlier, however now it seems unlikely that you'll make it... good luck though :O
I think it's amazing how you managed to make such a nice pair of models on such short notice...
However, I feel it is a bit sad that you didn't begin earlier when you had more time.
I feel that although your items are very nice, the theme tying them together feels a bit far-fetched.
I think it's amazing how you managed to make such a nice pair of models on such short notice...
However, I feel it is a bit sad that you didn't begin earlier when you had more time.
I feel that although your items are very nice, the theme tying them together feels a bit far-fetched.
Well the mask I understand... and I don't know personally if the flamethrower looks like the old one... however the melee doesn't fit into a nostalgia theme.
[/Fail E3 2006] RIIIIIIIIDGE RACEER! [Fail E3 2006]
Although yes, he should have some words on what his theme is...
Also, he might have a hard time doing the 3 models in time now that the competition have only about a week or so left.
A decided to use a Gasoline tank instead of Napalm
I suggest you start modeling very shortly though, because the contest is over soon
70% finished model
make the visor team coloured
stylised tfc pyro?, HECK YES I WANT THAT
EDIT: A great idea for W+M1 pyro's, as they never see where they're going!
i love it...
you work darned quick...
so goggles + primary + ???
melee would be good
How much time to deadlin do i have?
I'm jealous you managed to get a working viewmodel, I spent forever battling before I gave up on it.
It's taking shape well, I was worried about how he would hold it before
You would have made hard competition for the other guys had you started earlier, however now it seems unlikely that you'll make it... good luck though :O
when it started i was studying to pass my exams, and then i was passing this exams
so, theme: Pyro 2.0 (i'm working on name)
Primary replacement: The Firesol
Melee replacement: The Faceroaster
Hat: Nostalgy googles
thanks for comments, i'm sorry about my poor english
you could have had so much more time tho
512 512 texture, fov54
512 512, fov70
However, I feel it is a bit sad that you didn't begin earlier when you had more time.
I feel that although your items are very nice, the theme tying them together feels a bit far-fetched.
nostalgia could be a theme easily?
I agree.