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U.S. Government Proposes "Internet Kill Switch"



  • Mark Dygert
    Sir! We've been attacked and the internet has been disabled, what do we do!?!

    Good thing we have this internet kill switch...
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    In Belаrus they actually tried to pass a bill and, probably, once publicity went down, quietly did, that gives the government legal ground to block access to any sites which servers aren't physically located in the country, for the sake of the sitizen protection.
    And when I was working inhouse one of our CEOs personally warned every employe to abstain from visiting any opposition sites or government critical sites or from mentioning anything gоvernment related in your instant messaging and emails. He said that the whole company could get in trouble and we wouldn't want that.
    I don't know how much of it is paranoia but it's no secret to anyone, that gоvernment controlls internet here and the Can actually pull the plug if they want to.
    And they do block some unwanted sites every election or so, btw)
  • Squiggers
    It almost makes the UK seem relatively mild in comparison... although we still have all these lovely bits of legislation being considered:


    Remind me again.. why all this is required? Its like Stalin's wet dream.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    frell wrote: »
    They say its for terrorist attacks, but im sure its for this whole fight against the media Obama has been having because people are speaking out against him. He knows they're right and cant handle it.

    1. This has nothing to do with Obama. This is Lieberman.
    2. Obama is the first US president to embrace the internet, and used its importance to our culture as his campaign. *Of course, he has bigger issues to wrestle atm.
    3. You're an idiot. And/or a troll.
    4. You just stated that the Media is right about something.
    5. See number 3.

  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    1. This has nothing to do with Obama. This is Lieberman.
    2. Obama is the first US president to embrace the internet, and used its important to our culture as his campaign.
    3. You're an idiot. And/or a troll.
    4. You just stated that the Media is right about something.
    5. See number 3.

    Well put!
    So when will we know what happens with this doomsday device? How long does it take for them to decide yes?.... or no?
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    I know I posted earlier cracking jokes, but something has come to my attention since then. Cybercriminals! They are currently ravaging my accounts, as I type this!


    If the cybercriminals are already running rampant on the cyberwebs, how far off are the cyberterrorists?! OMGZ
  • aesir
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I just wasted (willingly, I admit. Jon Stewart is awesome) 8 minutes and 32 seconds watching a video I assumed would link this specific topic to Barrack Obama.

    Instead, you've further proven the point that it sucks to take the job of president and everyone who didn't vote for you, and some who did, will blame every single insignificant misfortune on you if you do because they can't figure out, as a whole society of intelligent beings, how to handle it themselves or take the blame. And as such, they anxiously hope that Sarah Palin will step in and show us the way.

    Sometimes I think the internet should have a kill switch. Spend any duration of time reading youtube/digg/etc comments, and you'll come to agree with me. Or atleast install an age limit (that works), and an IQ test. Won't happen. :D Let's give the internet kill switch responsibility to Rupert Murdoch.
  • Moosey_G
    [DERAIL]People who hate Obama really push their agenda even at inappropriate times it always seems.[/DERAIL]
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I know I posted earlier cracking jokes, but something has come to my attention since then. Cybercriminals! They are currently ravaging my accounts, as I type this!


    If the cybercriminals are already running rampant on the cyberwebs, how far off are the cyberterrorists?! OMGZ

    Ever wondered where all those spam mails come from?, it's not from a single computer, it's vast.

    But cyber terrorists, luls, that's some die hard 4.0 material right there!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    I just wasted (willingly, I admit. Jon Stewart is awesome) 8 minutes and 32 seconds watching a video I assumed would link this specific topic to Barrack Obama.

    Instead, you've further proven the point that it sucks to take the job of president and everyone who didn't vote for you, and some who did, will blame every single insignificant misfortune on you if you do because they can't figure out, as a whole society of intelligent beings, how to handle it themselves or take the blame. And as such, they anxiously hope that Sarah Palin will step in and show us the way.

    edit: shit wtf am I doing. deleted
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    People in power love power and will use the power they have to gain more power. Just another power grab by people with too much power.

    I love power... but somehow I dont have any..

  • Mark Dygert
    eld wrote: »
    Ever wondered where all those spam mails come from?
    A protection racket is an extortion scheme whereby a criminal group or individual coerces other less powerful entities to pay money, allegedly for protection services against external threats (usually violence or property damage, and sometimes perpetrated by the racketeers themselves).
    I suspect, the actual "cyber criminals" like all other criminals work hard to never be detected and operate silently. The annoying viruses and high jackers are probably distributed to non-customers in hopes of bringing them around to seeing the wisdom in "buying protection".

    That's my crack-pot theory and I'm stickin to it.
  • eld
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