I've rendered out a load of Passes in Render Elements, Max, Mental Ray, so I can understand how they all 'fit' together.
My A&D Level Specular pass shows information but the A&D Output Specular/A&D Raw Specular/Specular passes do not show any information. Why is this? If there's information in the level pass then wouldn't it show up in the raw at least?
A&D Level Specular Pass:
If your material doesn't contain those elements, then you'll probably get empty passes. Like if you tried to render a Reflection pass but had no Reflect ingredients in the material...
Raw is unadulterated
Output = Raw x Level.
There's nothing in the material's specular slot, but there doesn't need to be does there? Looking at the Level image posted, there's specularity present?
Specular output. You say that an A+D material has 'Output and Raw' inputs, something I wasn't aware of.
These forums are for the sole purpose of posting questions, things can sometimes be understood more clearly when asking a direct question.
i dont think that these forums have the sole purpose to reiterate answers you can get from the actual software documentation.
Reflections: Raw (left) * Level (center) = Output (right)
tell you just that.
This is worth its weight in gold:
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
if this doesnt work post a file inwhich the effect is evident. it should be easier to fix if I can mess with it
From Max Document: 'Raw is determined by the Reflection - Glossiness value'
As stated, my glossiness value is set to high.
What else needs to be changed? There's a HDR in the environment. I'm getting my reflection passes coming through correctly.
@Eric: I do do my research, but at the same time I'm fairly new in this field so it can still be confusing understanding it all without asking specific questions.
I've attached the file Fletch, I'm sure it's an obvious solution for someone who's good at passes. Are the Sky Portals actually producing spec highlights?
Only MR Sky Portals:
Max File:
I've come across many different tutorials etc on passes but never found a clear, bulk of info explaining everything about all the passes and how they're composited. If anyone knows of one, please post.
... dat?