Hey all,
I was just about to sign up for a membership at
3d.sk and noticed they seem to have a few sites which look very similar, namely;
and of course
Now they do have the question in their FAQ about the difference, but it simply suggests it's geared at different types of artists... i.e the photo's on the anatomy sites are posed photos rather than ones likely to be used for ref images / texture creation.
However, I was kinda hoping to get both, some nice posed pics for drawing / posing reference, and some for ref plane images and texturing.
Is it the same library accessible across the three sites or is the content unique to each site?
anyway here's a good little site for anatomy ref I just found, seems to be somewhat relevant
With regards to 3d.sk, do they have much in the way of 'action poses', a lot of the stuff in the samples look like standard T-pose, idle pose etc.
Shame, since I'd rather not have to subscribe to both.
I guess 3d.sk is the one to go for though, it's far easier to find half-decent posed shots around the web than high-quality detail/ref shots like the ones on 3d.sk.
Just becareful when looking at some of the ref images, especially female ones. They have classy photos for reference throughout all of them, then at the end BAM... spread labia shots. Not that porn is a bad thing, but could border the "NSFW" or "NSFM" (not safe for mom) category. It is especially surprising when you're using the 60-70 y/o women ref pictures. Shit can't be unseen.
or NSFSO (not safe for significant other)... that was a nasty fight and a good week in the dog crate.
Woah, thanks for the heads up
Thanks for the replies everyone, seems like it's worth a membership!