I think i speak for pior and seforin and all the other guys here who had beef with the 'feel' of sf4 when i say hell yes, this is finally the 2d fighter for me. Looks amazing.
Adam, man, its hard to describe. It's not 'bad' exactly, or wrong, just a lot of players describe a 'rubbery' or 'underwater' feel to sf4. It might be changes to the animations to interpolate in 3d instead of hard changes in frames in the old games, or changes in timing for hits, or both, but it just feels weird to some of us. Pior went into it much more eloquently in old sf4 threads, but still didnt quite nail describing it. He touched on it a little here, probably better than my attempted description - also having sf3 footage to compare sf4 against helps, 4 lacks the quick 'jumps' between different attacks and during cancels seen in mvc3 and sf3 and tatsu vs capcom
altho i am glad they kinda kept the 2d look, i wish they sticked to real 2d graphics.
the gameplay looks real nice tho. but why did ironman get warmachines attacks? :P
ehhhhhhh not bad. That comic book font type looks super cheesy tho, pretty distracting to me. But nice animations for the style they went for I guess you can say
I was thinking that it's a bit premature to say it's what you're looking for without playing it, but holy shit. After I watched the video I totally got what you meant. Way more snappy than SF4. The only problem is that MVC is so different from SF in the way it plays otherwise. I love both anyway, so awesome!:)
well tatsunko nailed the tag team style that MVC had , and that was on wii....and SF4 improved the visual look for 3D based fighters that didnt look odd (soul caliber or Tekken always felt/look odd with there 3D)
So combing a bit of both sf4 (Style wise) and tatsunko V Capcom Game play wise and I think they will nail MVC3
my gripe is the black outline/comic look is a "bit" much, and the comic font I dont think fits to well...
like it should change depending on whos in and whos out
in example spiderman from MVC2 Had comic taunts that said "HEY" in comic font or things in that manner,
so if they were to switch out fonts to be comicbook for comic book heros and like something more plain/flattened for Capcom side it wont be as distracting I think.
I did enjoy that the characters called each others names when switching, but in there own fashion...like in example you can hear Deadpool say "Your turn Flag pole" and captain america comes out.
And in another example you hear hulk (in retarded hulk version not intelligent hulk) say " METAL MANS TURN" While he switches with iron man.
So I like they kept the characters personalities in there...
was a bit bummed they didnt show the supposed dead pool super where ,quote on quote "He breaks the 4th wall and grabs his own life bar and uses it as a weapon"
These videos seriously need a seizure warning. Good lord...
I found it a bit distracting how often one of the players gets knocked off screen / out of the view. With all the jumping going on, it would get annoying quickly with not actually seeing my character for half the fight. Coupled with the insanely busy backdrop I had a hard time figuring out what the hell was going on half the time.
It looks intense and fast paced, but man...I hope they address those issues.
All you people that thought SF4 was crap are all insane. Every last one of you. Just sayin'
To be fair, my main complaint was the D-Pad on the 360.
I'm a D-Pad fighter, always have been. The 360's D-Pad has got to be the worst in history. Quarter circles are damn near impossible to hit correctly with that monstrosity. I even bought the Madcat's controller, no go. I really wish someone would come out with a D-Pad for the 360 that was 4 separate buttons. Or maybe there is one out there and I just can't find it.
The game itself was gorgeous, but I felt like a lot of the characters played like they were in mud.
To be fair, my main complaint was the D-Pad on the 360.
I'm a D-Pad fighter, always have been. The 360's D-Pad has got to be the worst in history. Quarter circles are damn near impossible to hit correctly with that monstrosity. I even bought the Madcat's controller, no go. I really wish someone would come out with a D-Pad for the 360 that was 4 separate buttons. Or maybe there is one out there and I just can't find it.
The game itself was gorgeous, but I felt like a lot of the characters played like they were in mud.
I even tried sanding down some of the plastic on my 360 joypad to try and get a little more movement, but that barely made a difference. I wasn't going to shell out £100 for a fighting stick for just one game.
i can't effin' wait for this noise. i will still kind of miss the 2d style, and i'm not too pumped about the transition clips on signature moves as they look very "3d", but the gameplay looks amazing and the effects are so awesome.... and.... and i'll come up with another lame sentence with a pathetic use of adjectives at another date.
man i love those effects and the gameplay looks great, though i'm just to old for this stress, but i have to save the color direction is really not my thing, why is it all so greyish and why are the background fighting with the foregrounds fo attention? focus should be on the actual figh/characters, sometimes its really distacting
I've played maybe an hours worth of SF4, so I'm not trying to make a point or anything. Just genuinely curious how it felt wrong is all
I think it looked better in 2d. I think the gameplay looks great.
MVC2 is one of my fav. games of all time.
it just looks better in 2d I think..
Nice comeback by the capcom team.
the gameplay looks real nice tho. but why did ironman get warmachines attacks? :P
I outright hated SF4. I thought it was so many steps back from 3 in every aspect (especially in visuals).
But I'll pick this up anyways.
bring back my megaman , ironman, Jin team!
I might have a seizure but it will be an awesome seizure!
So combing a bit of both sf4 (Style wise) and tatsunko V Capcom Game play wise and I think they will nail MVC3
my gripe is the black outline/comic look is a "bit" much, and the comic font I dont think fits to well...
like it should change depending on whos in and whos out
in example spiderman from MVC2 Had comic taunts that said "HEY" in comic font or things in that manner,
so if they were to switch out fonts to be comicbook for comic book heros and like something more plain/flattened for Capcom side it wont be as distracting I think.
I did enjoy that the characters called each others names when switching, but in there own fashion...like in example you can hear Deadpool say "Your turn Flag pole" and captain america comes out.
And in another example you hear hulk (in retarded hulk version not intelligent hulk) say " METAL MANS TURN" While he switches with iron man.
So I like they kept the characters personalities in there...
was a bit bummed they didnt show the supposed dead pool super where ,quote on quote "He breaks the 4th wall and grabs his own life bar and uses it as a weapon"
it's annoying this actually looks quite good, because it's against all my principles to play any game that shouts "dude!" at me
I'm excited. I too love and hate SF4. That game is full of so much nonsense I don't know where to begin.
I found it a bit distracting how often one of the players gets knocked off screen / out of the view. With all the jumping going on, it would get annoying quickly with not actually seeing my character for half the fight. Coupled with the insanely busy backdrop I had a hard time figuring out what the hell was going on half the time.
It looks intense and fast paced, but man...I hope they address those issues.
sf4 was crap. This makes me smile, though.
To be fair, my main complaint was the D-Pad on the 360.
I'm a D-Pad fighter, always have been. The 360's D-Pad has got to be the worst in history. Quarter circles are damn near impossible to hit correctly with that monstrosity. I even bought the Madcat's controller, no go. I really wish someone would come out with a D-Pad for the 360 that was 4 separate buttons. Or maybe there is one out there and I just can't find it.
The game itself was gorgeous, but I felt like a lot of the characters played like they were in mud.
I even tried sanding down some of the plastic on my 360 joypad to try and get a little more movement, but that barely made a difference. I wasn't going to shell out £100 for a fighting stick for just one game.
I know
Nope, but it will help validate the purchase of an overpriced arcade stick.:)
Them's fightin' words!
boy , you dont know about my deadpool moon walk
This excites
too awesome