This -might- be a beginners mistake. I but I have never seen anything like this. I had 2 halves of a pipe. Did Symmetry on them, and selected and erased the outer edge, after welding.
The inner edge however will NOT weld. I have selected it, looped, changed from Edges to Verts, cranked up the weld tolerance... nothing... target weld... nothing. This is so weird.
Sure I could remake this thing, but I want to know what I have done wrong so I can learn from my mistakes.
Here is the file if you want to prove my sanity:
Gonna Google that now, but I've never heard of it. I also went back to make sure my normals weren't wonky. Naw, they are fine.
I have never had this problem using a Symmetry, then Edit Poly: Collapsed.
Delete it.
Then select all of your verts and re-weld with a super small threshold setting to fix the verts. That should fix the object.
Not sure what you meant by "selected and erased the outer edge after welding". Symmetry is used to eliminate the need for welding or cleanup after applying.
You could delete the inner rings, and use bridge to close the gap.