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Random stuff - Valerien.

Hi guys. I've been on this forum for a while without posting anything.
So err.. I'm still in high school, and entering the game section at objectif3d next year. I'm also working on a game called Par Amour (2d rpg).
I'm also searching for someone to work with on small projects using udk - learning purpose.


A sprite from Par Amour :


A sketch for my philosophy teacher (the inscription should be : "Sophis - cave amor", which means "wisdom - beware for love" i suppose)

Some kind of running cycle template :


Err... his feet aren't cool at all. Shall be wolf-style.


A strange painting of one of my friend :


A mix of photo and painting :


A painting of a friend :


And a flash game title screen we've been making in 2 weeks with a friend (coming out in a few days) :


A room i'm working on to make a small map on the udk :



A piece made for the game warcry this summer :


The only scene i've ever made :


Photos (only the cool ones)

A friend's secret transformation :


That's how people look great !

Epic win in switzerland, playing to forza.

Hope this wasn't too boring though :'<


  • marlfox8
    great stuff here dude. i think you should post the original photo and then post the edited photo. the pencil drawings were awesome!
  • DrunkShaman
    Offline / Send Message
    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    This wasnt boring indeed...Awsome work!
  • Bolty
    Offline / Send Message
    Bolty polycounter lvl 8
    Love those running people templates :D Keep updating this!
  • Valerien
    Hi everyone. Thanks for your comments. I read them a long time ago but i had some trouble this summer so... i didn't do much creative work.

    I'm now studying 3d at objectif3d in France (it sucks a bit)... and I'm searching for an online training period for this summer... i think i'll write a topic about that in the appropriate section.

    We've released with Florian Dematraz and Jonathan Lefevre a small game, Rush to the Horizon :

    It's our first title, a small one realised in a little amount of time (2 weeks approx. for the exe version and then 1 or 2 more weeks to redo the engine with flash) to get an idea on what we could achieve. It has some gameplay problems, but we'll make something really cool next time.

    Now we're working on Par Amour, a 2d tactical-rpg inspired from both japanese and occidental rpgs (from oblivion to disgaea...). I personnaly lead the project and make all the graphics, game design, a part of the music, the main storyline...

    Here are 2 themes i made (we may not use the second one though, as it's quite poor, musically speaking) :






    Here's my personnal 3d little demo/game project using unreal. Right now it's quite unfinished, but in the end it should feature a lot more stuff.


    Right now i've been learning animation for 2-3 days. Here's a little bot i made with running, iddle, hit, shoot, receive hit, putting his arms outside of him and dying animation (we weren't allowed to use IKs for the job, so it's animated using only parent-child links etc.). The normal map is still unifinished :




    Hope you'll like it ! I'll add some drawings tomorrow or so.
  • Valerien
    Here's some more stuff :

    - an horrible scene i had to create for the school

    - the next 3 images are taken from the video game I'm working on (2 maps and the menu).



    - an update for my 3d project.

    Hope you'll like it.
  • PerfectChaos
    Good stuff, the walk cycle is pretty jittery but you've got a lot of quality work on here. Keep at it.
  • Valerien
    Thanks. About the animation : in the game engine, we have a tool to move a spot used to place the character. This gif is only the rough animation taken out of photoshop, but we don't have enough stuff to show yet to make an ingame video (as we're doing it in our spare time, our availability isn't regular at all).
  • Av7xrocker97
    Just a quick question on the robot : Did you model it from a reference? If so, how. I ask because it is one of my weak spots and I am horrible at modeling from 1 or no references. Thanks!
  • Valerien
    For the robot, i only sketched a quick concept to define the work i would have to do, then i modeled it in max. If you've got some problems with proportions, you should simply practise (both 3d modeling and drawing).
  • Valerien
    Hi, a little update... the tree was made using speedtree and custom mats, and the wind blows through the grass (using an offset material and a wind direction actor). The terrain is only a test for the tiles i've made. I'll add a well later.


  • Valerien
    Some drawing study :


    An animated sprite for the game Par Amour :

    Some assets for the same game :


    And a first shot from the actual game (right now it uses baked shadows that aren't logical at all, but we shall add some realtime stuff at least for characters), without shaders. Actually, it still lacks a lot of details, pnjs and all that stuff :

  • Mak_Scuh
    WoW Im impressed, quality stuff you got there.
  • Valerien
    It's been a while... I've been working on a udk map before this summer, and I then entered Animation Mentor. There isn't much to show as I've been learning stuff since then, started studying drawing properly etc.

    Drawing :

    3d :

    A leica m3, based on the references found here. Rendered in unity, with a shader I programmed :

    Unfinished animation (don't hesitate to give me critiques on these shots, they aren't polished yet) :
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