max has been screwing with me all weekend...everything from showing super low resolution textures in the viewport to randomly changing my color scheme and UI...i fixed all that
Now textures won't update when i save them out of photoshop...they update in the material editor, but not in the viewport. The only way I can get them to update is to go into the diffuse and open the file again. The box for this is preferences is checked so i don't know what they problem is.
hella lame
Anyone have any suggestions?
Some versions require the material editor to be open, with the bitmap UI visible, in order for it to be automatically updated whenever the bitmap is saved.
give it a try using 512-square or similar as standins for everything that doesn't require immediate attention. also, clean out your scene materials, make sure no textures are loaded that are not necessary.
You might consider switching to a DirectX Shader... they always auto-reload a bitmap whenever it's saved, and they're much more powerful and tweakable than the Hardware Shader from a Standard material.