Greetings Polycounters;
Has anyone found a legal copy of English version of Paint Tool SAI? I have been looking for this tool for some time now and all the sites revolve around one site that sells the license for the Japanies version of this tool.
If someone has, please post..
NOTE: Please do not post the link that you find on the first 3-4 pages of Google..

This is the proper place to buy it. I got it from there and it works fine.
and yes i did post a link from the first page of google, because it is the correct link.
when you are in english page it will be English version.
that is the official website, it is in the first page of google search.
try the demo, its in English.
SAI English Trnaslation
It basically does a better job of the translation, and comes with some additional custom brushes.