Hi Polycount!
First of all, I'd like to ask everyone to be as constructive as he can. I'm a learning artist, with a long path before me, and I'd be happy if you guys can correct my mistakes, and guide me on the way.
To begin with, here is a small practice I did today. It started as a hand study, but I was pretty tired so it ended up a bit more like random drawing than actual learning...

Oh, and yes, I'm left handed. That's how I managed to sketch down my right hand.

Anyways. First real attempts on environment paintings:
PS, ~80 min, clouds speedpaint, w/o reference (the ground is just a 10 min mockup)- Clouds are waay to bright compared to the ground
+Random dude from 2010 - Could use a lot more work too
#2-- look at more reference. Then splice it together to mock up the piece you want to do. This can be a good way of seeing whether your composition is interesting, and can serve as a good starting point as well.
#3-- keep doing those anatomy studies x10. You can never do enough of those.
#4-- if you're willing to spend a few dollars, take a look at Whit Brachna's tutorials, he's a phenomenal environment artist.
#4 Thanks for the link, I think I'll check some of those out in the near future.
On to the drawing stuff, ~2 hours, work in progress:
- the colors of the clouds are still kinda off, the bottom is not yet refined
- ground is just the initial sketch, not worked on it yet
- I wonder if this thing is in a state where anything actually can be said about it...
Little bit of progress from yesterday:
I just couldn't get the angle of the road right, so I cheated a bit and drew the outlines from the original picture. I'll fix that probably tomorrow. (The clouds also could use some details and there are a lot of missed colors there...)
Edit: I wonder how that red dot appeared in the bushes... ^^'
Warning: Massive art(-ish) dump ahead!
Last few months pencil. 90% in school. Thank god for literature class...
A drone based on pencil concept:
Quick photo studies:
(trying to get the right tones with this one by eye)
(30 minutes)
Other environment art tries:
Random stuff:
(And this one is ugly and out of proportion: http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/4865/questcomplete.jpg)
A random drawing of a burning forest and two photo studies from today and yesterday.
Any C&C are welcome... Just be honest guys!
Critique is welcome as always.
Plus some character stuff.
Might as well put these up too. A bit older stuff from the previous summer:
Two quick establishing thumbs. Any feedback on the composition, or the scenes in general would be appreciated.
Crits, ideas, comments, trolling or anything appreciated.
Not sure if I want to detail them any further. They didn't quite turn out as I expected, but I did learn quite a lot making them.
A more or less failed attempt:
I'm not satisfied with the colours, didn't even bother with a proper finish. I think I'll redo this from the blockout stage.
Meanwhile: outfit sketches for a mech pilot.
The bottom grey line is basically the isolated colors of the eyes. (I just threw a 50% grey luminosity layer on top) Interesting how similar the colors are for the different skin shades. I found it kinda strange how little the colors of the black skin stick out from the rest. I definitely learned a lot from these exercises.
The guy is still not final, I'm not satisfied with his right arm. I'm also playing around with some post production to try and make the image read easier.
Some environment
On a side note, I have to standardize my image width. The different pics look awful next to each other like this.