Hello thar,
The Class I have chosen is the Spy, and my theme is Secret Agent, around post WW2 era.
The weapons/hats I will be changing/Making are:
The Revolver
The Disguise Case
and a Hat.
I have some silhouettes of my revolver concept finished somewhat, I plan to start the modeling next Monday or so that's if I have my concepts finalized.
I'm not too clear on the Animation side of things as im not sure what files I need to edit to do this, if anyone can help with that, I'll thank you forever
haha, I like that one too
I love the hat in this image and I'm aiming for something like it!
As for the disguise case, maybe something like this?
A WW2 children's radio suitcase, obviously will be more tailored to the Spy, and alot smaller
I'll try to get some concept art for both of those tomorrow and possibly a proxy model for the revolver.
I'd love to do it, just I'm having a hard time keeping it with the theme of the original disguise case as it would need to be the same size unless I did custom animations which I've no idea how to do with Source.
If you have any ideas or references that could help, I'd be VERY grateful
Some really nice details that fit the spy quite well, although I'm thinking if I should just replace the sapper instead, but I'm still considering replacing the disguise case...
Doing concepts as I post this, upload them soon
Not too sure how I want this to look
I'm thinking the handle will show team colours but other than that I'm not too sure
Thanks to swizzle and Valve for their colour pallets
Used by spies in WW2 I think.
Oh wow, I really like that, it's given me some ideas for texturing, unfortunately I cant make a whole new gun design since it has to retain the revolver, but I'm sure I can take ideas from these
Here's the revolver's barrel, current poly count is 2172 and that's without smoothing :S
I think I may have over done it :S but I've still got 5900 left for the rest of the model since the limit is 8k
I don't like how the topology has come out from the boolean on the front and back
I just checked that and :S it is alot higher, baring in mind I've added the handle proxy it totals to about about 5k triangles, guess I've got some cutting to be doing!
So I essentially have to make all the ngons (5 sides+) into either polygons or triangles? or would it make sense to turn all the triangles into polygons if possible?
hmm since the player never sees the front of the barrel I could remove some there, especially for the bullets, since you never see the Spy reload them with actual bullets.
I used your advice and it went really well, it now has 3k tris I still think theres some more I can get rid of, thank you for you help
and looks like this, it's quite a mess, seems boolean has come and bitten me in the backside
I'm guessing the front and back view is one big ngon since theres so many points on the bullet holders from the boolean?
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, that'd be great
Hard to explain.
I've only just seen that, not to say that I can't continue doing it myself, their version is just a copy paste of the Spy vs Spy hat
Standard render
From the front
A sketch showing more height
Problem with ^ is that the spy's head doesn't really allow it unless I was to exaggerated the height of the hat even more so...
Another with a more skinny head on the hat
Is there any otherway of doing the barrel without using booleans? as they cause alot of issues for me and I'm spending more time fixing polygons than actually progressing!
In need of halp