After a lot of self doubt, I've finally decided to "try" and put together a portfolio. What I really lack is a formal education in art, coming from a microbiology bg. Some suggestions I have gotten is that my pieces are too scattered, nothing to tie them together. Any other comments/critiques/advice would be most helpful and appreciated. Now rip me to shreds!
WIP, always working on updating...
*edit updated site
Only problem is that I'd like to see more of it, really. Maybe even a collection of works done in the same style, to show you can work consisitently to one style.
Nice work, though
I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at your site, your self doubt is not warranted, keep the work coming and do sets of pieces like suggested and I think you'll do great.
Cyrael: Thanks man, hopefully employers would think so also...
*updated a new piece, next up traveling chef?
kinda odd
glynnsmith: he just looking out for me :P.
Prophecies: Once again good advice, props for looking out!
I also only noticed the different categories the 3rd time I visited the site.
Make the email a link, and possibly add more information about yourself.
Snader: Thanks for the advice, what I really want to be able to do is follow this one page format that Hethe did for his portfolio. Apparently left align did not left align to my benefit on my screen.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys really helpful stuff.