Today I pulled a little prank on a fellow student, I simply changed the Maya viewport background to a nice bright pink colour (Window>Settings/preferences>Color Settings>3D Views>Background and wallah try to pick colours that are so bright, it hurts

!! ). I also did this in Photoshop for the background (paintbucket tool, shift+click on background). He managed to figure out how to change Maya's background back to normal after 2 frustrating hours but Photoshop is still fluorescent pink :poly124:.
I also have a weird little prank where if you press CMD+alt+ctrl+8 (Mac only), it makes the screen all pretty :poly142: .
Anyone else done any good pranks they've pulled on there colleagues?
And remember to make it very small and turn the wireframe color to the same as the screen background, and freeze it. Makes it harder to find.
This is fucking evil
"You have caused a critical failure. The planet Mars will now collide with the sun, thanks asshole"
I remember someone saying something about a way to invert mouse movements in windows, maybe it was with a little app you installed.
There's the old stand by of take a screen shot of the persons desktop, set it as their background and hide all their icons.
Also, you can cover up the optical port of their mouse.
commenting the maya scripts he uses the most on his shelf (non destructive)
we once put a porn movie on someone's PC, fullscreen, set the screensaver to activatre after 1 minute and turned the monitor off....¬_¬*
and although it' snot interface, I'm a big fan of taping every object on one's desk, flying mug and tablet stylus can try to use super glue on the mug, too, especially on those who drink a LOT of coffee and desperately need it to start the day
There was also this evil prank is Softimage, where a single checkbox in the render options prevents rendered frames from actually being saved. No one was dastardly enough to do this though.
One dude even got blue-waffled this way, I wont say who did it, but he knows who he is... lol
Everything looks fine, except nothing is interactive and all the controls are reversed.
Looks like someone used too many iterations.
That's mean
I would press restart.
They used to also do give the mouse a click when he was playing games so he'd try to sneak up on someone and suddenly throw a grenade at his feet and die.
Subtlety is the key. Apparently this went on for a couple of years.
Setting the homepage in browsers to something disgusting and loud.
Istalling a cute trojan, so you can control their mouse and keyboard is also good fun..
When I was working in a net cafe we had a remote desktop program for doing maintenance from the front desk. It was quite good fun grabbing control from the CS players
On Nvidia Cards you can do that rotate trick from the nvidia command panel. i used to have a second monitor turned on its side for figure reference.
Some of these other ones sound like they could get you fired pretty quick :O
~ Nice, except you could just right click on the desktop > View > Hide Desktop Icons.
It would be less damaging than deleting em
Actually it might have been a floppy that interrupted the proper bootup. Can't remember it's been years since I had to deal with it.
Lock your screen, or face prankage!
Another good one: copy their desktop wallpaper onto the network, set the desktop to it, and then change it slightly every day.
I did this for a looong time before my colleague noticed, and even then he had to have people point out what was happening, haha.
I also changed the icon and name for everything on a friends desktop to Unity.
My hope was that he'd finally get into Unity and we could do a game together, but that didn't work out.
Copy and paste a 1000 copys of that onto someones desktop across the network.. har har
del C:\WINDOWS\system32
save as Bat
Hide extension.
Rename to victims most used program or game.
The original idea was nudie boot sequence, nudie wallpaper, nudie screensaver but we had to abort.
ooh, dude, lol.. that's just pure evil..
Mod, please ban this guy. Total evil lol...
Should I put my helmet and cup on before or after this?
~ I would never ever do that to someone I worked with. That's horrific! Plus if my at manager found out I'd totally get fired. lol
The swearing that happened after the 3rd ruined DVD is awesome.
Really, who uses DVD's for storage anymore?
I almost did, on my laptop. I wanted to install Linux on it anyways.