So I did a google search for this but nothing stood out, it all seemed like regular texturing tutorials, anyhow I am trying to texture a Tie Fighter variant from Star Wars, most will probably know what they look like, well the cockpit is basically a sphere, So I've modeled it as a sphere, added windows to it, now, I was wondering if anyone knew how to texture individual faces without first removing them from the model.
You'll need to unwrap the mesh first before you can start texturing it. If you mean you want to have a separate material for the cockpit. then just apply a shader to the separate faces or detach it from the main mesh.
If you want to do it your way( if i understand what you want).Give each face a individual channel id, make a Multi-Sub Material(it´s called like this i think) assign the different Sub-Materials to the corresponding Channel. But this is just stupid and overkill.
-create your texture for your one face in photoshop
-create a new material
-hook your texture into the diffuse slot
-select the one face you want it to be on
-right click on your material "assign material to selection"
-and maybe you gonna have to map that face over the entire 0-1 uv space to show the full texture use what ever projection method from "create uvs" suits your face !
how ever i would highly suggest you do NOT approach texturing this way
-its inefficient
-time consuming
-will not look good
-and undoubtedly will get you laughed at in both school and at work !
what you should do is one of the following:
-analyze your model and if it is
A: human sized or smaller (... the surface area is really what matters here) in need of a lot of unique and asymmetric detail a lot of organic curved areas where you couldn't have a texture seam and the purpose for it is to be dynamically moving around in your game: you should uniquely unwrap the entire model into the 0-1 uv space and start making a unique texture for the entire thing
B: its a large object ( city or mountain sized) with a lot of hard 90 angels where texture seams wouldn't be noticed and its gonna be part of the static world than:
make a tile-able texture that you can repeat numerous times all over your model and project it everywhere with the same scale use and reuse this texture as much as you can.
a star-wars vehicle hovers kind of a in a limbo between them i would make a tile-able texture but most people would probably uniquely unwrap it !