I've just uploaded ratGPU here
( yep, you'll be redirected by now to an xNormal's subdomain... I'm just lazy )
ratGPU is a free progressive OpenCL ray tracing renderer for 3dsmax. It currently works on Vista/7 and NVIDIA cards only.
I've also tested it with ATI cards, but for some reason I cannot understand well, ATI does not include the OpenCL.dll in their drivers... so, in theory ratGPU should work with ATI cards... but, in practise, not.
.. and, nope, it's NOT at all optimised, before you ask :poly122:
I'll support WinXP soon, I need to solve some problems with the f%%&&##g XP's watchdog.
I also plan to port it to Maya, once all is more or less stable.
You can currently render normals, material colors and ambient occlusion by now.
I'll implement path tracing soon...
A friend recorded a video showing how to use it ( and , pls, excuse the english! )
This sounds very interesting
EDIT: hehe woeps, wrong type from me
OpenGL is a graphics API like Direct3D.
OpenCL is a GPGPU API like CUDA ( but multivendor, so it will work on ATIs too ).
ps: Hah! The 0.0.1 will be 20x times faster... lol, what a bug I had :poly136:
I had to make a stop to learn OpenCL for xn4 so that's ratGPU, just a temporary stop. xn4 is pretty alive
I'm running on Max 2010 64bit, Intel Core 2 Quad 2.67GHZ, Win 7, Nvidia GTX260 Overclocked, 8GB of DDR2 1066mhz ram, but even doing a 256x256 render is going extremely slow..
Maybe I am doing something wrong? It looked like in your video yours was going quite fast.
I'll try to post the v0.1.0 the next Monday.
Are the ATI drivers in their Stream SDK?
I've tested ratGPU with their SDK and works... I'm just waiting for them to solve that little big problem.
Also solved a problem rendering a frame of time.
next: vertex normals with smoothing groups and irradiance.
Btw, the new FW 257.21 seems to be broken. Better stay with the 197.XX.
I suppose you will support HDR cubemaps ?
Loving unbiased renderers ... cant wait to play with this.
Nah, ratGPU is still not optimized. I hope to reach 10X speed soon.
I'm concentrating first in developing the key features, then I'll optimize it.
Btw, I'm thinking about writting a progressive mode instead of a tile preview, but it's complicated due to the 3dsmax's architecture. I should just open my own window and do the computations there, yep.
OpenCL 1.0 has some problems, the drivers are not yet very mature and the current ATI's implementation is a bit scary.
Another question is. Do you have plans of creating this RT pathtracing into a GI function and perhaps a baking tool later?
About Cinema4D I'm afraid I have no idea how to write a plugin. I've never used its SDK.
Yep, maybe. I'm considering to allow the user to bake the lighting for xn4 too.
If you did feel like supporting blender i would love to try it out though
Can only say: Don´t be afraid
about further developments of ratGPU and Xn4...
Some important notes ( as I mention in the web page ):
1. The Forceware 25X broke ratGPU. Use the FW 197 instead while they fix the drivers.
2. If you want to execute in an ATI card you need to download the huge ATI OpenCL SDK v2.2 ( I know, a pain ).
3. The speed on ATI is not good ( probably because the algorithms I'm using don't like large GPU SIMD processors ).
4. The speed of GeForce 8/9 cards are not even comparable to a GT200(GTX260/280) or Fermi card(GTX 460,465,470,480).
5. You need an Internet connection because I'm developing an update system and I want to test it.
Programmers art or not, Ive always loved that kind of curly shapes in threedee. Would you mind explaining how you crafted them ? I am really, really interested in this process. ("Parametric 3d")
Currently only the NVIDIA's true GT200 series(GT240/260/270/280/285/295, not the rebranded G80s) and probably Fermi(I don't own one) render at good speed.
I included an .ODF document with some benchmarks results with the 0.3.1b but I still need to improve a lot the performance. The drivers/SDKs are very immature too ( ATI's SDK is a pain and the NVIDIA's Forceware 25X broke my implementation ... )
I'm impatient to get a Fermi card to see how it can perform... In theory, will be 2-3x faster than their GT200 equivalents.
Well, currently I'm touching 1000 things a day so any tutorials/docs I could write gonna be deprecated fast. I'll make a video explaining all after I'm more or less happy with the speed and the things are a bit more stable ( probably after the 0.4.0 )
You can use this program:
it's very easy to use: just play with the parameters and export the result as .STL ( a format that 3dsmax and Maya can read ).
- Doubled the speed with ATI cards ( still very behind NVIDIA )
- Added WinXP support ( remember to disable the primary GPU or the watchdog will pop... or use the CPU only )
- Enabled hybrid rendering ( you can use both GPU + CPU simultaneously to render... although if the CPU is much slower than the GPU can slow a lot the rendering... )
- Fixed some bugs
Are animations possible to render in Max?
is there something like a schedule when maya could start?
it's a longshot but, maybe XSI? (Softimage if you prefer the Autodesk nomenclature) I know you can't support everyone's favorite app, but it never hurt to ask?
I'll port it to other programs once I'm happy with the results and the core is stable enough.
Is the render engine going to be implemented into xnormal?
Is it possible to use it for baking light maps?
I developed ratGPU basically to improve my OpenCL skills but also because I wanted a renderer to perform beauty shots in xNormal 4, so yep, definitely.
Not currently, but I could adapt it very easily to render to texture just changing a few lines of code.
However, I still need to do a lot of R&D before all that. All is very experimental yet.
I could see animation/vfx/visualization studios being interested if you can beat V-Ray RT to the punch.
With 3point shader and quality normals becoming popular here (and hopefully in other big studios and engines) is there a possibility of rendering out 3ds max style normal maps with gpu acceleration that would with quality normals?
Btw, I've just uploaded the 0.4.1 with improved speed for ATI cards ( around 30% ), but still far from NVIDIA.