Hey everyone. I was recommended to join this great community by an awesome environmental. I'm currently a senior graduating in 10 days with my first degree (BFA in Game Art and design). I'm looking to get into environmental design. I love creating game spaces the portray and mood and have nice atmosphere.
I come for advice. Looking around I've seem some amazing and inspirational works posted by others and I would really love some feedback on some work. Both scenes were put together in the Unreal Development kit.
Below is my in progress Demo reel and 2 screen shots from the reel.
Look forward to what advice you guys have for me and being part of this awesome community.
In Progress Reel
your baked in lighting has some issues (im guessing its baked), too much black for starters you need to limit that to your darkest corners,
your SSAO is too strong limit it a little more, as the artifacts are a bit obvious.
the env with the hanging plants is lit really weird... the shadows on the ground are really lacking in contrast while the lighting on trees etc are really contrasted
i think youve got a little bit carried away with the postfx...keep them a touch subtler they do create atmosphere...but too strong and they jar and detract from the scene
for starters your blooming the entire screen...bloom the brightest stuff only
the lightrays are too strong and coloured wrong, to be this strong you would need to be in a really misty scene which your is not... also try introducing subtler shades ( possibly light blue and yellow) through fog and lightrays this will add tonal variation...
other notes...
the uplighting on the shelves completely jars
the waters edge needs some plant or a decent beach/texture atm it just looks gamey
@Axios awesome thanks a lot for the input I want to get this presentable for potential employers.
@SHEPEIRO I really do appreciate you taking the time to go through and point out all the things that can be fixed. That's the exact sort of thing that I was looking for. For the foresty level I still as you mentioned have a good amount of work to do on the lighting.
I'll get to work on all this an see how much I can push for this time frame. I'll post up some progress shots as I get areas cleaned up.
@Jeremy Yea they are! In just a few post I received some amazing feedback. Thank you so much for pointing me here. Looks like a great community to be a part of.