Simple ideas, just trying to come up with stuff for Sniper under the theme of childhood memories. Image below is obviously just some cylinders and cubes, but hey, posts without pictures are boring.
- Vendor's Vitriol: "Sweet Lemonade 5¢" hat... mm, sweet lemonade.
- Rinky-Dink: Tiny bow that shoots suction cup arrows... that stick to engie buildings? Or just a weaker bow that fires in an arc, like demoman grenades do. Either plastic or whittled from a stick.
- Mother's Love: Sack lunch, not so sure about this one because of the possible need for extra animations, but I seriously cannot think of anything else right now. Items produced vary randomly, and have small bonuses, like increased rate of fire or something.
And this is what I have come up with.
EDIT: is rotating your avatar 90 degrees the new trend? :P