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Grad'd HighSchool, quick question.

Hey guys. I finally finished High School and I have a quick question.

I've always been a 'Right minded' individual and not a 'left minded' person.I seriously struggle with maths, rules and facts thus I am more drawn to creativity and free-flowing ideas, not 1 or 0 (Binary) state of mind. My last day of School was to do a 'Higher' Computing exam and I found it pretty difficult and had found it difficult the entire year through.

The problem is that I have a 'Conditional' placment at a college doing '3D Computer Animation' and to get in I needed this Higher course.

As I said, I struggle with, basically, 'Academics' in general. I do not like conforming to other peoples ways and I'm tired of people saying 'You need maths to sucseed in life' (As they are lead to believe that every job requires science or some form of logistic/calculation)

And I know I've failed the exam. The question is, with a very high chance that I have failed it :

Should I try and find work at a local game store or something like that and work on my demo reel for Animation at home? I mean, it's not all over is it?
Just because I can't get into college doesn't mean that my life has to stop?

It would be awesome if people could share their experiences with finishing School.

I'd really like the placement but it doesn't seem likley at all.

Peace guys,


  • AtlusZMH
    You dont need college to make it into the game/art industry.

    Work hard, ask for help, and make kick ass art and you'll be fine :)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    As I said, I struggle with, basically, 'Academics' in general. I do not like conforming to other peoples ways and I'm tired of people saying 'You need maths to sucseed in life' (As they are lead to believe that every job requires science or some form of logistic/calculation)

    One reason that this belief is often held by many is that, whilst science and calculation isn't required for every vocation, they do involve very valuable skills like logical thinking and problem solving, something that will always come in handy.

    Saying that, it doesn't mean you're doomed to a life of food service or janitorial servitude if you're not great at academics. Shit, I was terrible with mathematics at school, primarily because I hadn't yet found a means of using it that I found engaging or interesting.

    Of course your life isn't over. You're what, sixteen? I dropped out of the educational system not once, but twice, and I still don't regret a thing. I've learned far more on my own than any college or university could have taught me, and I've gained a lot of that 'life experience' that people are always talking about along the way.

    The single most important determining factor in your career success is your own personal drive and determination to accomplish your goals. Stop worrying about exams, entrance criteria and the rise of China and go work on your portfolio - and keep working on it until you get what you want.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I never went to post secondary. learned some 3d in high school and found a job working for my old 3d teacher after i gradded. I just worked at improving my art skills until someone from a studio took notice and thats that from there i guess. I would say I have been lucky and successful but it hasnt been without hard work.

    the only drawback for me is without a diploma/degree its almost impossible for me to work in the states, but I would preffer to stay in canada or go to europe anyways.

    just keep working at what you want to do, be it animation, art, design etc. with so many resources online there really is no reason to drop 40k minimum to go to school if you absolutley dont have to. its all about drive and determination to succeed.
  • Taylor Hood
    Indeed guys. Valuable stuff.

    I've got a friend the same age who I have known for about 7 years and he was always the one drawing Dragon Ball Z fan art, mechs and bio engineered zombies which could regenerate their arms. But I just found out, after not speaking to him for a couple of months, that he is going into Banking.

    I was really bewildered as to how it ended up like that but it just did. He was a creative type that is going to work in Banking... After asking "But why?" he told me that he had no longer the passion that I still do and the he is envious of me in that way.

    My point is, I completley understand where you guys are coming from and more so because the five years at school I've had "Computing teachers" tell me that to get into animation I need to know "Vector trajectories" or something like that...which is just pathetic.

    But thanks for the replies.

    For the record, I've never been really worried about exams because I couldn't care for academics at all. I have parents who, after years of trying to get them to understand, still don't understand anything outside the bounderies of a normal job. But I don't blame them.

  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    I'm not out of high school yet and have had job offers around the globe. You don't need college to get an industry job, though you will need a lot of motivation to get your art to a professional level. That in itself is very difficult and is something I've yet to achieve on my own.

    Consider taking individual art courses at a local college. Often schools will have night classes that you can sign up for. They may not be animation related but other skills like illustration or painting can help build the educational section on your resume. Since you're interested in animation you may want to consider Animation Mentor. I've heard some fantastic things about the program.

    I as well be very bad at mathz and other "academics in general," but as long as you know enough to get by in life (enough math to pay bills and do taxes, enough writing skills to write a formal letter or documentation, and any other important life skills that matter) you should be OK. Just don't underestimate what you need to know.

    That said, if you're looking to work in other countries you pretty much need a degree. If you search around there are a few threads detailing this.
  • Taylor Hood
    @ PixelMasher- So true man, there is so much valuable information on the internet, from animation webinars, to podcasts by old animatiors, to DVD's like the gnomonworkshop ones, to youtube tutorials and all the other stuff.

    It's definitley true that you can learn more from this plentiful bounty of teachings than going to college for it. Especially since this so called "3D computer animation" teaches modeling and a whole bunch of stuff in the development proccess. And I'm looking for pure animation courses and thats where Animation Mentor can be called 'a miracle'

    @Racer445 That's impressive man. I remember my dablings in 3D art and how I always looked up to you.
    By the way, I'm not really sure about looking for other colleges because I've tried most of them and this college is the only one I can find with some sort of animation course and I probably wont get into it.
    Also, when I say bad at maths, I mean VERY BAD. Somone ask me a question in maths and you'll soon see. :)

    Edit- Would you guys be safe to say that, assuming I'm not getting into the college, the next step would be to find a job at some store and work my ass off in Maya and working on my animation demo reel?
    By the way, I have a neat little animation progress thread you can check to see how I am going with that. My passion is still very strong if you look at some of the wallpapers and all that.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Racer445 wrote: »
    I'm not out of high school yet and have had job offers around the globe. You don't need college to get an industry job, though you will need a lot of motivation to get your art to a professional level. That in itself is very difficult and is something I've yet to achieve on my own.

    I didn't realized you were still in high school, awesome tutorials though.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Racer445: Your still in high school? Damn, makes your work that much more impressive. Wish I had found 3d the way you did so early.

    Taylor: You don't need more school past college to get a job in this field, just like others have said. Its main use for most that take it is a motivator, or a way to bide time while they improve their skillset. And for others its just a reason for them to move as far away from their parents as possible as soon as possible :p
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