---Begin Original Post---
Well I guess this'll be my development thread for the contest. I don't have much of a master plan at the moment, but I'm doing Engineer items (previously heavy), and my theme is:
Here's a very early-progress wip shot of the first item: Tesla Cannon

It's a shotgun replacement.
Also your tesla cannon concept seems pretty cool, but your current model reminds me of the Octopus Gun, lol.
This is the thread people were referring to.
Will be adding some more details shortly, and I'm thinking of replacing the two thicker rings with a thinner spiraling set.
He seems to be doing dual duster attachments to the lateral and medial sides of the wrist so you can do an entirely different placement and shape take on it.
This contest has a lot of competitors too, so don't feel you have to pick some thing different if someone else came up with something similar first.
As for your Tesla Coil, that's cool stuff, it's very detailed in some areas, but you're right in needing to add more details to the simpler areas. I like anything that replaces the boring Shotgun that FOUR classes have, and this a good idea for a successor.
As much as I really want to contribute a shotgun replacement for the heavy, I'm starting to lean towards switching my theme to something more engy related. Due to neglecting research and relying on Red Alert propaganda, I only discovered after I started this that Nikola Tesla actually has pretty much no relation at all to the USSR, not even as a "he was born there" thing.
So I think changing theme would be easier than trying to stretch this to fit the heavy somehow. Also, I'm kinda getting some neat ideas for more electricity-related junk.
edit: I forgot to read the actual writing underneath your picture I was so mesmerized. Well, I'm thinking that you could call this theme "Heavy Duty Weaponry". I've always found it ironic that the Heavy Weapons guy could only hold one heavy weapon! Why not make all three slots heavy? Like a big ass gun for the primary, this one for the shotgun slot, and some big metallic spikey gloves for the melee slot. You could definately work it in. Everyone else seems to be geared towards making the heavy a new food object for the secondary and I think you're one of the only people who's thinking outside the box.
Seems like it'd fit the engie a bit better, though.
Great looking model though.
so switch to engie...btw Tesla worked entire life in America...so theres connection with fellow cowboy...
I'll have a battery (or batteries) strapped to it, with wires going up and clamping to the metal part (which is why a wooden handle probably isn't going to work, Kark).
But that'll come after I settle on a head. So... opinions?
We're on the second page now, so I'll post the picture again to make it easy. :P
I like the shape of vintage ball peen hammers.
And just a random neat hammer -
You mean creating new engineer animations for the weapon?
That reminds me, is there a way to change the tags on this thread? I tried editing the original post but I didn't see any options to edit the tags. I need to swtich it from heavy to engy.
add me on steam. i feel it will be easier to discuss that way.
steam: sparkwire
Tesla Coil Canon. Some alliteration in there too.
Technically, you'd also need some sort of boost converter or transformer in there to get the voltage higher. This circuit would probably connect to the negative(which is clipped onto the hammer), the positive side of the battery, and then output a high voltage to a separate wire connected to a contact that will come into contact with the enemy when you hit them. Here's a simple circuit that would do it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boost_converter
I was thinking of this at first site of the hammer, but for that exact reason I believe it's perfect for TF2.
(sorry for the bad mockup)
On a more serious note... Awesome work!
I can haz frankenstein reference plox?
For some reason I want there to be a switch of some sort on it though.
Maybe to operate the battery, of course this raises problems with the animations, but it could just always be on.
Looks great though.
Whooooom whooooom whoooom whoooom whooomwhooomwhoomwhoomwhoomPZZZFT!
That sounds like an interesting detail, but I'm really not sure where it would go on the hammer without looking out of place, considering the simplicity of the "mechanism".
Added some more tape and changed the handle to wood. The clamp handles will be team colored.
Right now the working name for the hammer is Mjolnir, but I'm also thinking of calling it "Lil Thor". Alternately, if I want to make the name a little closer to the engineer's roots, I could somehow try to tie it to Pecos Bill's horse, Lightning. I'm just not sure how I would make that connection obvious.