Well first of all, this will be my first post here on "Polycount" but been around for some time lurking on the forums.
Well anyway I might introduce myself a little before I go on about my next project. I'm 23y old Level Designer from southern Sweden, I'm currently working on a MMORPG that is due to be release in the upcoming weeks. I love working whit world creation stuff both digital and non-digital such terrain for miniature board games.
Oh well no point in hearing my life story so onward to the project. As many of you all know the line between an "Environment Artist" and a "Level Designer" is becomming more and more blurred for each passing day. So this project is mainly a way for me to develop my modeling and texture skills a bit future since they aren't that insanely good to begin whit. And to address my biggest weakness (at least what I think), Texturing.
But I will also of course put everything together in one big environmental map in the UDK as well for presentational purpose. And hopefully it will turn out good enough to be a asset to my portfolio.
So my plan is to make a small and cozy medieval village from scratch. I do not have that much spare time so this will be a on and off project for probably several weeks ahead.
First of I have found some reference pictures that I'm gonna go whit, so I have put a few of them together in a small sheet for you guys ^^.
Reference Picture Sheet:
Well so whit the reference picture done I thought I'd put together the terrain texture pack I wanted have at maximum 10 textures. I found a nice mix whit 9 so I have 1 more texture to spare later on if I find the need to.
Terrain Texture Sheet:
Well so far so good so now it's time to start modeling so I thought that the palisades was a good warm-up in both texturing and modeling and they turned out pretty well. I do not have a render from the UDK atm but will post that later so a maya screen is all I can provide at this time and of course a sheet whit the color/normal/spec map.
Palisades Maya screenshot:
Color/Normal/Specular Map:
I still have some space on the texture for ropes and planks once I turn to the gate and walkway part. But that is for later.
Next up I wanted to give the houses a try to went for the big family houses. It is supposed to house 1 big family of 5-6 people.
So far I have only be able to make the outside of the house and no texture yet. But I think it is a good idea to post progress pictures for C&C's from you guys so here goes.
Country House Maya Screenshot:
Well thats all I have for now, I haven't had that much time to work on it yet. But I hope to be able to work on it some more in the upcoming days. But until then I would like to hear what all you guys think of the project and see if there is any ideas and or tips you can give me to improve.
~ Cheers
i would make the texture twice as wide and add a colour varience to the tiling bit and two more end colour variences...if you do it cleverly the tiling part can have a horizontal gradient through it and three repetitions of the bark pattern...meaning that with three uv'd logs and some rotation and you can get alot of variation in the walls...
i would also add a strip of rope ties as a seperate alpa'd texture that you can weave around the logs...adds alot