I haven't messed around with max too much, and most of the tutorials I'm finding seem for people completely new to 3D, so if anyone has any suggestions for decent tutorials that would be really appreciated.
So far I have a few questions,
is there a way to show wireframe once you select a polymesh?
Is there a quicker way to mess with values of operations (like extrude), without typing in a value or clicking the up and down arrows?
is there a quick way to change the moving/scaling and rotating between world and local axises?
2.: When you just press the button for e.g. Extrude , you can click on a face and extrde it by hand, although I don't know how much this has been changed in 2011 with the caddies and all...still using 2008
3.: You can put the different modes on Hotkeys or in Quad Menus (one of them already has them in by default I think...)...I have a script on my Website to toggle between View and Screen with only one Button, it would be very simple to modify it to work with World and Local...
Edit: Here it is
Alt-Right Click also gives you the list
when your extruding just hold down left click and drag. that will give you direct feedback
I made the transition from Maya to Max about a year ago, and I found Eat3D's 3DS Max 101 DVD invaluable. Great value, and it covers just about all the Max functionality you could need, from modeling to lighting, some rigging and animation and even some of the cloth tools.
I'd highly recommend it.
1. Is there a way to stop the Select Tool from cycling the selection types when hitting Q.
2. Is there any racast selection tools like the one in XSI. Paint selection is abit inaccurate.
3. Are Max's default hotkeys pretty decent, or will i be playing finger twister?