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New video tutorial site - 3dmotive.com

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gamedev polycounter lvl 12
Hey Everyone,

Over the last few months myself and a few other PC folk have been hard at work on a new video tutorial site / service. We're currently rolling it out to friends and early adopters and would love to get some feedback.

If you're interested in picking up any of the videos we're running a promo code good for 30% off through the memorial day weekend that will end this Tuesday night (6/1/2010). Just use the code 'theinnercircle' at checkout!

We're just getting started w/ a ton more content and features coming in June. Let us know what you think!

To get the latest news and promo codes join us on Facebook!


Any issues or feedback, just shoot us an email at Support [ at ] 3dmotive.com






  • Moosey_G
    That modular floor workflow looks great, thanks for the code!
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Good looking stuff guys. Very sharp looking site. Hope its a success! :)
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Slick, this is by far one of the better designs and layouts I have seen. Wish you guys the bet of luck.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    If you make this a more game-orientated equivelant of cgtutsplus, you could really give them a run for their money. Some nice game specific topics already covered, keep it up! :)
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    if you have some 'free' content.. i'm going broke with all these cool ass tutorials between, eat3d/gnomon etc... good luck though looks awesome, just think the prices might be a little out of whack for the poor folks.
  • Nysuatro
    That looks impressive. Will be purchasing the floor vid after my exams.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Just bought the modular flooring video - thanks for the discount code, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more content on the site.

    Nicely designed, very clear, good-looking content and easy checkout = win.
  • Moosey_G
    danshewan wrote: »
    Just bought the modular flooring video - thanks for the discount code, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more content on the site.

    Nicely designed, very clear, good-looking content and easy checkout = win.

    Same here, *high five*
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Also, is any of the videos timelapse? the floor one looks very appealing to me and states step by step, but you model/render/texture/uv/ and put in UDK in less then 2 hours?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    :poly142: you got mah money this time... >_< lol bought both the street light and floor
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Also, is any of the videos timelapse? the floor one looks very appealing to me and states step by step, but you model/render/texture/uv/ and put in UDK in less then 2 hours?

    I was wondering that...
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Everyone, thanks a ton for the comments so far. I'll answer any questions you have as I see them -
    f you have some 'free' content.. i'm going broke with all these cool ass tutorials between, eat3d/gnomon etc...
    Half of our content right now is free. We think it's hugely important to offer this to both give you a taste of the quality but also to give back. Our free content is marked by a green 'free' icon, and on the product page there is a banner.

    You can watch all of the FREE content in high def directly on the site. And for $3 you can grab the video files and the source / project files for download.
    Also, is any of the videos timelapse? the floor one looks very appealing to me and states step by step, but you model/render/texture/uv/ and put in UDK in less then 2 hours?

    None of the videos include time lapse. For the floor in particular, we do not cover modeling topics with the exception of sections on how to use the grid to make it modular. You will receive the project files however that include finished low and high poly models that you can pick apart. The heavy emphasis is on baking (using Render to Texture), texturing in Photoshop (color, spec, masks, etc), material creation in UDK, and finally some basic lighting and decal work to bring it all together.
    If you make this a more game-orientated equivelant of cgtutsplus, you could really give them a run for their money.
    Games are the focus. We won't be doing any CG topics for the foreseeable future. If you're interested in seeing something specific let us know!

  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I thought I'd have a look at what your offering - but I'm on my netbook. All the videos on your site stream in HD only, and HD flash video kills my lil' lappy. I know its not what you think of when you put tutorial videos online, but if people will low spec laptops or poor connections can't even take a passing look, your loosing out!

    As it stands I have no idea if any of your videos are worth watching! (don't worry I'll check em out later ;))
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Anyone else having trouble downloading the videos?

    I'm now on my fourth attempt, and so far on all previous attempts, the download has finished prematurely - I've yet to see it progress further than 38%. Anyone else having issues?

    I'm using Firefox 3.6.3, on Windows XP Pro SP 3. I've sent an email to the support address, so hopefully I'll hear back soon.
  • Moosey_G
    Hey Tyler, you have great environment like the one for the unearthly challenge, do you think you could makes some videos on your workflow and what not? Gnomon and Eat3D combined hardly have any videos on the subject.

    @Dansewan - I've downloaded mine just fine you should shoot them an email, the download expires after 3 days.
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    @Dan - Check your inbox, email sent.

    @Moosey_G - We've got some pretty cool stuff in the pipe, but of course we are interested to hear what people want to see. Are you looking for a broad video on environments? Or something more specific?

  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    yes, i have downloaded them several times as well and all corrupt.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    @Jeremy - check your inbox, email sent. Also, we've updated the product description to be more clear. Sorry about that!
    Might need to reword it then.. "In this tutorial we'll take you step by step through the creation of a modular SciFi floor piece." I purchased because of this sentence...
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, both of those look great, enjoyed the free ones too =) I'll buy them when I can afford it, keep up the good work!
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    no probs, looks like downloads are going fine now got 2 of 3 downloading fine so far. Thanks, got some homework to do now.. still looking for another job. :D thanks again.
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    Please let us know if you have any other issues! Hopefully the servers are less slammed now. Thanks for your patience!

  • Moosey_G
    gamedev wrote: »
    @Dan - Check your inbox, email sent.

    @Moosey_G - We've got some pretty cool stuff in the pipe, but of course we are interested to hear what people want to see. Are you looking for a broad video on environments? Or something more specific?


    I suppose something pretty broad, like workflow from modeling the concept in 3dsmax to complete in UDK. Maybe that's asking for a bit much haha, but it'd be extremely helpful!
  • 00Zero
    one minor thing that bothered me. the time line on your videos. its colored white for what youve seen, and a *slightly* darker grey for remaining time. it makes it really hard to look down and find where you are in the video.
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    I just checked out some of the content you have posted on your site. It's high quality and well delivered. I look forward to seeing more from this site. Congrats on the launch.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    very very awesome, i can't wait to check out the HP modeling, probably get it within the next few weeks.

    Congrats :)
  • chrismaddox3d
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    chrismaddox3d polycounter lvl 17
    Will you have the site back up by tomorrow sometime?
    I wanna use the promo code to buy a couple tutorials,
    If not can you extend the promo code out a little longer,
    Let me know something?
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    We're making a few last fixes to address download issues. We'll certainly extend the promo code, so don't worry about that. I'll make a post here as soon as the site is back up.

    Thanks for the interest!

  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    one minor thing that bothered me. the time line on your videos. its colored white for what youve seen, and a *slightly* darker grey for remaining time. it makes it really hard to look down and find where you are in the video.
    Thanks for the feedback on this. This should be minor to fix and we'll look at addresing it in our first update. Thanks for checking the site out.

  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    Hey everyone,

    The site is back up. We're still working with our web hosts to fix some downloading issues. Downloading more than one file at a time from our server will cause your connection to drop. You should not have an issue if you download each file one by one. If you do, simply shoot us an email and we'll arrange for an alternate download option in the mean time.

    Thanks for the support and patience!


    PS - We'll run the coupon through Wed, 12 midnight PST to make up for lost time.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    I bought the sci fi floor and the rubble tutorial. This really couldn't have come at a better time, as I'm about to begin work on a sci-fi project that's reliant on modular modelling.

    The tutorials look great, but they're taking a while to download.. I expected server issues though, hopefully it won't be too long. :)
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    Website looks GREAT, very modern and clean my favorite type of site. I will be going through the free tutorials very soon (i know i know), but i can tell from everyone elses reaction there great :)
  • KennyTies
    wow this is awesome I might have to buy some of these. I have been trying to figure out how to import my model into UDK and your tutorial was by the most comprehensive and easiest to follow. Thanks
  • Snight
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    Snight polycounter lvl 16
    Thank you to everyone who supported 3dmotive in our first week! Our hard work definitely paid off and the site was a huge success. I hope you all enjoyed the videos. There are a bunch of new videos in the works so stay tuned!

  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Any chance on some XSI content?
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Waiting for those Maya vids and will grab them. Especially if theres a good Hi poly for maya one
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    Any chance on some XSI content?
    We have not talked about at this point. Is there some in particular you're looking for?
    Waiting for those Maya vids and will grab them. Especially if theres a good Hi poly for maya one
    Thanks for the input!

  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    gamedev wrote: »
    We have not talked about at this point. Is there some in particular you're looking for?


    Something similar to Eat3d fountain or a general environment piece in XSI would be awesome.

    Though i can understand theres not much interest in XSI and may not be worh your while in terms of popularity, just something different from the normal Max and Maya is always welcome.
  • piippo
    Too bad I just missed the offer :) The free videos look great though.
  • TheDarkKnight
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    TheDarkKnight polycounter lvl 15
    Just bought the High Poly modeling dvd, really awesome.

    As for a suggestion for new content, how about expand on the high poly one, and make something that explains how to turn the streetlight into low-poly :)

    showing how to build the low poly from the high poly etc?

    I know I'd buy it :)
  • Tom Ellis
    Awesome videos. I must admit I only checked out the free ones but it is a breath of fresh air to have some genuinely professional tutorials for topics geared specifically for games. Thanks for your efforts in providing this!

    I have a suggestion if you're taking feedback on future possibilities?

    How about trees for current gen games?

    It's a subject that across the forums have been much discussed and while there is plenty of available info, a whole step by step for creating a decent looking tree, texturing, vertex normals, alpha considerations etc the whole nine would help a lot of people I think and be very popular.

    Especially now the next build of UDK will support explicit normals on imported meshes.
  • Snowman

    How about trees for current gen games?

    It's a subject that across the forums have been much discussed and while there is plenty of available info, a whole step by step for creating a decent looking tree, texturing, vertex normals, alpha considerations etc the whole nine would help a lot of people I think and be very popular.

    I second this suggestion! anyways great stuff definitely going to pick up the lights and floor video this week good luck to you guys
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I checked out the freebies myself today. Everything seems like top notch stuff! Congrats, I'm sure you will do well.
  • Snight
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    Snight polycounter lvl 16
    @TheDarkKnight: Thanks for the comment, this is a great idea. We will definitely give this some thought. Keep an eye out for a low poly video in the near future!

    @Creationtwentytwo: A fantastic suggestion. Foliage tends to be very challenging for a newcomer and even more advanced artists, this would make a really nice video. Thanks!

    @Snowman and Brad: Thanks! I hope you guys enjoy the videos.

    We are doing these videos for the community so all of your suggestions and comments are valuable to us. Keep them coming! :)

  • Dracowyr
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    Dracowyr polycounter lvl 10
    Excellent site layout - videos look awesome - very slick, excellent quality audio and video. Instructions are very clear and easy to understand! You have some great work here, and I can't wait to see more! Bought the High Poly video to show my support (Though I'm a Maya guy right now - and I'll be first in line when you have some Maya videos.)
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Bought the two tutorials a little while ago and have to say i learned a few new tricks in my work-flow.

    Made this practice prop using the Sub-D tutorial as a base, I recommend the tutorials to any Artist that want to brush up on there sub-D skill-set:

  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Nice work Arman! Glad to hear you picked up a few more tricks :)
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    @Dracowyr - thanks for the support and kind words!

    @ae - that's looking pretty cool! Nice clean edges.

    If anyone missed our launch sale a month ago, don't fret!

    Happy 4th of July from 3dmotive.com:

  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Fix the dates on the banner!
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    danshewan wrote: »
    Fix the dates on the banner!
    Just making sure you're paying attention ;)

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