Hey. I'm Kbman. You may have seen me around TF2 under the name Kbmands. Anyway, I registered here for one reason, so here goes.
Class: Demoman
It's one of my favorite classes, and the one I had the most/best ideas for.
Theme: Medieval/Intimidation
I wasn't thinking of a theme when I thought them up, but two are medieval, and two are/can be intimidating. SO HERE WE GO.
#1: Stickybomb launcher with Dead Man's trigger (I'm working on the name, shut up.)
Exactly what it says on the tin; Stickies that go boom if you die. Not only if you die, of course. I've had this idea since I've started playing TF2, and was disappointed when they announced The Scottish Resistance. Since these will be easier to detonate, the max you can have out is less.
(theorized) STATS: -25% stickies out, +10% damage, explode on death.
#2: Bashin'/Bonkin' Buckler (whichever works better)
A replacement for the Chargin' Targe. The crit effect and damage done by the Charge is replaced with a stun and knockback effect; people hit by the charge are "Bonk!"'d as if they are hit by a Scout's ball, and are thrown back by the hit.
STATS (that i thought up): -50% charge distance, no damage done on hit, no crit effect, Opponents are stunned and thrown back by charge, time stunned and distance thrown proportional to charge distance.
#3: -5 Helm of Blindness (or something along those lines)
A hat for the Demoman. A knight's helmet which cover's your left eye...OH WAIT
I'll provide concept art soon.