Does anyone happen to know the source of this error in guistudio compiler?
Created command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\xxxxxx\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\studiomdl.exe" -game "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\xxxxxx\team fortress 2\tf" -nop4 -nox360 "C:\Users\Joe\Documents\The Third Degree\anchor\anchor.qc"
qdir: "c:\users\joe\documents\the third degree\anchor\"
gamedir: "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\xxxxxx\team fortress 2\tf\"
g_path: "C:\Users\Joe\Documents\The Third Degree\anchor\anchor.qc"
Building binary model files...
Working on "anchor.qc"
ERROR: c:\users\joe\documents\the third degree\anchor\anchor.qc(3): - could not load file 'C:\users\joe\Documents\The Third Degree\arsonists anchor/anchor.smd'
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'weapons/c_models/c_sledgehammer/c_sledgehammer.mdl'
WARNING: Leaking 1 elements
It says that it's leaking 1 elements, what could that mean?
Edit: urk, ignore all the random smiley faces fdsf
It says that it's leaking 1 elements, what could that mean?
Edit: urk, ignore all the random smiley faces fdsf