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2h of playing games = One line of cocaine

polycounter lvl 9
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BaZe polycounter lvl 9
Here's an awesome article by Steve Pope (not to be confused with The Pope, although his views might seem similar :poly142:).
A great fun read, just don't expect any research or references backing his statements up. I guess in a way this means that being a game-developer almost makes us as bad as being drug-dealers... shame on us..


Hope it hasn't been posted before.


  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Polycount is my drug
  • The Flying Monk
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    The Flying Monk polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome. And a quick google search tells us that their psychologist expert Steve Pope runs a self help business that also helps cure people of their addictions. So now after reading this parents can sign up to cure their kiddies from that horrible gaming addiction.

    Not to mention that the cocaine comment came from and unnamed probably non-existent expert.

    This must be how Jonathan Holmes feels all the time.
  • shoard7
    Marine wrote: »
    Polycount is my drug

    Your love is my drug:)

    but hopefully no crazy parents get ahold of this.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Shit, chalk me up another line!
  • Thor Sowards
    I literally lol through the whole read, the excuses people create to blame everything and everyone else besides their own dam selves is ridiculous
  • Josh_Singh
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    If I could do Modern Warfare 2 off a hooker's ass I'd have even more hours sunk into that game.

    e: fucking A, I need to get a real avatar now :(
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    I actually think games are more like a nutrigrain bar:

    I'm gonna have to say, "I FEEL GREEEEAAAAT" every time I join a server now.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I think games are good time waster, if you have nothing better to do you ether endup some forum that have nerd rage going on in the general discussion section.

    Or you endup in World of warcraft (or any other MMORPG) and wonder for 10 minutes what were you there for.......

    Or you endup playing any random game.

    Aside from this if you endup in Polycount, you either have something to present, something you want to findout (tech stuff mostly), and/ or to question pros of their jobs, or learn a thing or 2.


    my 2 pasoz
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    shoard7 wrote: »
    Your love is my drug:)

    but hopefully no crazy parents get ahold of this.

    twas actually me, on the wrong account.

    i used to play WoW quite a bit but it got repetitive for me and i figured why waste time playing when i can learn how to make :)
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Shit I haven't played a game since last night...right now I'm FIENDING TO PLAY MOARRRR!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    "One Preston mum, 49, who asked not to be named, said she bought her teenage son the game Call of Duty last year. She said: “Now that I look back on it, it’s like I went out and bought him his first shot of whisky.”

    wow, this shit is ridiculous. there is a simple answer.....dont buy the lil bastard the game in the 1st place. parents need to learn to lay the pimp hand down every once in a while and stop giving their kids everything they demand.

    or just take that shit away, if they were so stupid to threaten to jump out a window, walk over and open it for them and casually stroll out of the room.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    "One Preston mum, 49, who asked not to be named, said she bought her teenage son the game Call of Duty last year. She said: “Now that I look back on it, it’s like I went out and bought him his first shot of whisky.”

    wow, this shit is ridiculous. there is a simple answer.....dont buy the lil bastard the game in the 1st place. parents need to learn to lay the pimp hand down every once in a while and stop giving their kids everything they demand.

    or just take that shit away, if they were so stupid to threaten to jump out a window, walk over and open it for them and casually stroll out of the room.

    It all comes down to your age and your control over your own life.

    For example: Now that I look back at past, I am glad that my parents didnt spare me any money to buy any game, instead they asked me to earn and buy it and they used to encourage me to study. This little manner they taught me served me to control my daily schedule and time. I feel glad that I can control how many games or how long I will spend on one game and go back to studies.

    Back than there were used to be games that HAD AN ENDING >.<
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    It all comes down to your age and your control over your own life.

    Yeah, I think you've hit on the answer. I love video games, and I love playing them. I actually collect video games, and I've got tons of fantastic games that I haven't beaten, or even played. My cup of gaming goodness runneth over. But I've also got a mortgage to pay off. So I spend most of my time everyday working a job, even though there are oodles of quality titles that I could be blowing my time on. No matter how much I may enjoy games, I never let them get in the way of my responsibilities.

    You know what's REALLY addicting? Making games. I don't have any time after my day job to spend playing my incredible backlog because I use it all to program my own games.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    You know what's REALLY addicting? Making games. I don't have any time after my day job to spend playing my incredible backlog because I use it all to program my own games.

    Correctumondo Richard, Correctumondo. :)

    This is why I spend 1-2 hours on game (doesnt matter which one) and rest of my day studying and working on my concept art skills....Once I am ready for the big hit I will be spending more and more time on my passion (game development and programming) and include those 2 hours of game play to it maybe.
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