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Weapon request

Hello.I hope I found right place to post my thread.I have a request for you - modelers.I want to see in game one weapon for spy.I cant make it by myself,so I am asking you.Im sure,Valve will like this wep,and choose it for new community pack.So....I want you to make spy pistol like in TF2 beta (you can see it there http://forum.beezone.info/uploads/monthly_01_2010/post-16-1264940656.jpg)
A silencered pistol.Also I want it to have such abilities:

1)It shoots accurately,like the ambassador
2)It has no recoil,and shoots faster than simple revolver but not so fast as scouts pistol
3)Headshots give mini-crits
4)It is 20% less damage

I hope someone will make it,cuz idea is brilliant.


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