I've been really inspired by Joe Pikop to start sculpting out high poly characters. I've never done this before so here's my first shot. These are some screen shots of my work so far, I've decided to post it now that I feel pretty adamant about getting it done. I'm looking for any kind of crits, like what I'm doing wrong, what I could be doing better, "tips/tricks". Go easy on me polycount
The basemesh wasn't modeled from the concept so the proportions are a bit off, but I've been fixing it as I go along.
Current Progress
Base Mesh
Concept by Laurel Austin
The buckles/boots/metal bits/ should probably just be modeled, and the vest/pants/head should be separate meshes
agree about splitting things up a bit too... few peices seem like they'd do from some good old fasioned poly modelling as well but sculpting's always fun :P
arms feel a bit too short and like they're coming out way to low on the body, just gotta pull em up to fit into the shoulder a bit more i think. The mask in the concept has got a more rounder form to it as well which looks really cool, might be an idea to try and get rid of the flatness if you can
cool start so far
Okay, sounds good. When you say armor in the hard surface app do you mean like a base of the armor, or all of the armor (zippers, accessories, etc.)
Thanks for the tips guys I hope I can sort things out a bit more after retopologizing. Here's the finished product.