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TF2 - Polypack - OpethRockr55

Hoo, boy. I'm not looking forward to the texturing part of this, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I'm going to be doing some Heavy stuff

My theme: Making use of what's around you.

Names and pics will be updated as I go along

FINISHED Primary - Viktoriya: Three massive rivet guns mounted onto a self-charging compressed air system, ensuring increased power at longer ranges and a tighter spread to take out those pesky enemies from afar. However, close range becomes more of a problem due to the system's slower cycling rate, giving enemies a chance to get in and deal some damage before you do the same.


FINISHED Secondary - The Czech Cannon: Reloading so many shells was a waste of Heavy's time, dealing good damage at close range, but with little precision, usually nicking the opponent with a pellet or two before getting nicked himself with a couple dozen more. Wanting to eradicate any "little man" that dared try to exploit his conservative nature of movement. Creating his own cartridges using blasting munitions and various excavated stones and scraps, he created a one-shot, massive spreading shotgun to deal excellent damage at point-blank range and send the enemy back to their capitalist creator. Unfortunately, the first test didn't go so hot for his ill-suited shotgun, blowing the entirety of the chamber to smithereens. Fastening a new barrel made of demolitions-grade steel - though still not quite Heavy-demolitions-grade - onto the semi-functioning shotgun Heavy created the Czech Cannon.


FINISHED Melee - Repurposed Rebar: Building secret military bases right next to your rival's is tough work, often leaving behind many ruins of previous attempts gone awry. Heavy, being the opportunistic man he is, decided to make use of his employer's previous follies, plucking up some Rebar from the ruins to reinforce his own plans. Pocked and scarred from their previous battles, the Repurposed Rebar's jagged edges and unyielding strength tend to make its blows more critical than using fists alone. However, the slightly painful nature of slamming one's rebar-strapped fists causes the Heavy to lay off his blows a little, lowering normal damage.



  • OpethRockr55
    Crap. Half way through the Bofors, I realized I can't do it. I didn't make the concept.

    I'm gonna decide what to do with the primary, and move on to the ONTOS shotgun.
  • OpethRockr55
    I managed to think of a theme and some ideas for weaponry/effects to suit the Heavy's current downsides.

    Seeing as Heavy's conservative on the expending-energy front, it'd only make sense to use what's around him, saving him the trouble of ordering a weapon and dealing with atrocious capitalist customer service. Seeing as he works for a demolition/excavation company, there are a lot of options at hand.

    I personally think the Heavy's downfall with his primary is the close range he has to fight with. Extending that range would make him a more formidable foe to more enemies, but slowing down his firing rate in exchange would also make him more vulnerable, especially to Scouts and Pyros.

    I believe his secondary's downfall is that while his shotgun does a pretty good job at taking out faster opponents, they've usually got the exact same or a very similar weapon to his own, making it a game of his accuracy versus their speed. Being the careful man he is, I think he'd decide to remove accuracy from the equation and make his weapon fire in as wide and as powerful spread as he could.

    His melee, though, I had a real problem identifying what could be done to make it more useful to him. I'm still working on what effects it might have, but after looking at this, I think it's safe to say my original idea of increasing critical hits/reducing damage wouldn't be the most prudent (though it makes me wonder why the Engie's shotgun has ~15% critical rate). It'd be far easier to model this with the idea that the Heavy is trying to achieve something by creating them, but I think I'll just wing it.

    Anyway, hopefully I'll get off my ass and get some models done here the next few days. Stay tuned.
  • OpethRockr55
    Tonight's Viktoriya progress:
  • Ikimono
    *Thought it was supposed to be a rocket launcher when I posted originally.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    If I was going to give the Heavy a rivet gun I'd be pretty tempted to call it Rosie.
  • Psyke
    Jackablade wrote: »
    If I was going to give the Heavy a rivet gun I'd be pretty tempted to call it Rosie.

    All the day long,
    Whether rain or shine
    She’s was part of the assembly line.
    She’s making history,
    Working for victory
    Rosie the Riveter
  • OpethRockr55
    Jackablade wrote: »
    If I was going to give the Heavy a rivet gun I'd be pretty tempted to call it Rosie.

    As was my first thought, but you have to remember what she stood for in America. I doubt Heavy would be the happiest of Russians to use a gun named after her.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I guess you're right.

    I always thought Rockwell's image of Rosie the Riveter partly inspired the Heavy.

    Perhaps there's some Russian variant of the name Rosie.
  • Buck
    Rosana should be it :)
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    think again how they are connected,, the bolts going into the rivet guns do not make much sense, i would go wiht metal banding around them, or even duck tape
  • OpethRockr55
    Viktoriya WIP #2:

    Yeah, that one set of bolts are still there, but I like the roughness they give. Still haven't decided if the guns should spin or not. I got the idea to use a drill or a big auger and toss the rivet guns on there, but I'm still not %100 sure of the idea.

    I'll have to redo the rivet guns anyway: they waste way too many polys and don't quite look as rivet gunnish as I'd like. It'll give me a chance to flesh out the drill idea, at least. Still have to figure out the firing mechanism, too.

    Damn, I wish I could draw. That'd make this SO much easier.
  • Karkasmolenklok
    It does look pretty cool though, and would especially if you included Rosie's handle.

    Also, she is eating a sandvich. I just noticed this.
  • OpethRockr55
    I think I'm about done with the model. I'll forgot to add a couple valves to the air tanks on the side, but other than that, I'm pretty happy with it.


    The problem now is going to be getting everything UV'd so that everything gets some detail on the 512 map.
  • Naso
    I thought It was a flamethrower replacement before I read your first post. Looks good either way.
  • RoronoaDSanji
    i thought it is flamethrower too, but ya, it looks great as a heavy weapon too, LOVE it
    keep up the good work
  • Khthon
    Can not wait for the texture.
  • OpethRockr55
    Shit texture, AHOY!


    Really, I've only got the barrels done/close, but I have no clue what I'm doing - hence my fear of doing this stage. I suck at texturing.

    I'll probably start over from the bases again; it's just looking pretty shoddy/UnTF2-like, even for this early stage.

    EDIT: And yes, I need to fix that clipping in the handle.
  • christermime
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    christermime polycounter lvl 8
    This has already got some great shapes/contrast in the value of the textures. Just gotta give em some love, and this is going to come out REALLY nice. :D
  • Mico27
    yes could need some more color variations.
  • Khthon
    I like the cylindrical shapes, makes it stand out.
  • Karkasmolenklok
  • OpethRockr55
    Well, just like I expected, the 512 just can't get the texel ratio I'd like. It looks horrid and blobby, thanks to the immense size of the gun. Here's a comparison of a 1024 - what'd I'd like to have - versus a 512. The 1024's on top.


    I don't know. I'll see if the 1024 can fit into Valve's hidden upload filesize. If not... damn.

    Right now, I've got all the edges I want highlighted highlighted and am going to start throwing down some detail/grunge strokes tomorrow.
  • Khthon
    If your stuff is good enough they'll allow stretching the limits. I think the Pain Train was over budget, too, if I remember.
  • Simski
    Well, just like I expected, the 512 just can't get the texel ratio I'd like. It looks horrid and blobby, thanks to the immense size of the gun. Here's a comparison of a 1024 - what'd I'd like to have - versus a 512. The 1024's on top.

    Submit both textures to Valve.
    That way you keep within the rules but allow Valve to consider using the neater version.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Could you post the texture. Given that there won't be much in the way of detail, there's probably a lot of areas you could scale right down on your UV.
  • Karkasmolenklok
    I think the grip could do with a few more polys to make it a bit rounder, but that's just me.
  • chickenman
    your gun barrels don't have any holes in them :P
  • OpethRockr55
    chickenman wrote: »
    your gun barrels don't have any holes in them :P

    My friend who did the texturing on my previous submissions pointed that out to me, too. I promptly frowned, crawled into a fetal position and cried for a few minutes, then fixed it. It only took 2 minutes, but I can't believe I forgot to do that.

    Anywho, I'm done with Viktoriya:

    Moving on - thankfully - with a clearer idea of what I'm doing.
  • jgoodroad
    good thing this is looks only, because giving the heavy a good long range gun, followed by a good short range gun seems a bit...overpowered to me. since the heavy has allways been more deadly up close then from afar.
  • Simski
  • Snowloss
    jgoodrad: No matter how smart, fast, or far away you are... there is no escaping bullet.

    Really snazzy model here! Might want to consider beefing up the battery wires though.
  • jgoodroad
    Snowloss wrote: »
    jgoodrad: No matter how smart, fast, or far away you are... there is no escaping bullet.

    Really snazzy model here! Might want to consider beefing up the battery wires though.

    well...IF your smart enough you could use a shield, fast enough you could dodge the bullet, and far enough so the bullet has reached it's fall off distance and looses momentum...but those are extreme situations.
  • Sileya
    No trigger or Shells Ejector ?
  • OpethRockr55
    Sileya wrote: »
    No trigger or Shells Ejector ?

    There's no trigger because Heavy's massive hands would cover it, anyway, plus the fact the Minigun didn't have one.

    There's no shell ejector because the system uses compressed air to fire, not gunpowder, therefore, no need for cartridges or shells.
  • OpethRockr55
    Okay, now I'm really done.


    I really need to give a shout out to my texture/design czar, Nidhogg. He's helped me so much fleshing out my idea and teaching me to paint textures and critiquing my texture work. I couldn't have done this one without ya, mate.
  • Snowloss
    That came out really nice looking!
  • Batt
    Don't wanna be a dick, but it still has too bright a palette. That combined with the overall shape makes it look too futuristic and not really very 1960's. Would look a lot better if it used the original minigun's darker grey palette.

    It's a really, really great model and I'd love to see how it looks in game with the spinning but the colors don't really seem to do it justice.
  • Snowloss
    I'd disagree, it's chrome or another shiny metal and with how Obsessive HWG is with his miniguns, you can bet he'd spend a few hours a day polishing it and keeping it in tune.
  • Naso
    It's really good looking, nice job :)

    Can't want to see what else you come up with.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Snowloss wrote: »
    I'd disagree, it's chrome or another shiny metal and with how Obsessive HWG is with his miniguns, you can bet he'd spend a few hours a day polishing it and keeping it in tune.

    He keeps it polished and in tune yet there's rust on it? I think it should either be clean like it was before or a bit darker as suggested before.

    Either way the model looks great. I'm not quite sure if it fits into the game style wise but aside from that it looks good and the texturing is very well done.
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    i liked it better before. maybe it's cause the rust is veeeeeery big patchy. if it was a tad more delicate it might work, imo.
  • Edspear
    I am just gonna say this. I kinda like it the way it is right now, really I do. My only complaint is that it looks to me a bit too blue, i could imagine this on the blu team but not on the red. Now you can retool it to make it more neutral for both sides which I wouldn't advise because the weapon looks good as is. Or you can do a second skin, a redder version. Basically pull a Backburner pallet swap and you'll have two spiffy versions of the same weapon for the respective team.

    If you do the second skin route i would advise using a red that is a bit more rusty looking but light still, kind of to contrast the spiffy bright blue on the gun at the moment. Maybe go for something between the top-right red and the darkish brown to the right of it on the color pallet.
  • Khthon
    Although I understand why there's no shell ejector because of the compressed air idea, I think you should still put one in unless you know how to remove the 'shells being ejected' effect from the default gun. It wouldn't take long.
  • Psyke
    i can find hardly any other forms of rivet machines that are not a high steel tone
    i think this is great.
  • NeoDement
    Khthon wrote: »
    Although I understand why there's no shell ejector because of the compressed air idea, I think you should still put one in unless you know how to remove the 'shells being ejected' effect from the default gun. It wouldn't take long.
    Valve know how. It's very easy to remove the effect if it gets released as a mod.

    Still needs to be darker.
  • Khthon
    @ Neo - I think saving Valve having to do any work is really a huge deal when they consider entries. They didn't even put in kill icons for a long while because they're so busy.
  • Karkasmolenklok
    Khthon wrote: »
    @ Neo - I think saving Valve having to do any work is really a huge deal when they consider entries. They didn't even put in kill icons for a long while because they're so busy.
    I find it kind of funny, considering if they asked the community to do it they'd have it done in a week. Hell, even a gormless noob idiot like me could make a kill icon.

    I'm wondering when the Polypack "Make Half-Life 2 Episode 3" contest will begin
  • Galago
    I find it kind of funny, considering if they asked the community to do it they'd have it done in a week. Hell, even a gormless noob idiot like me could make a kill icon.

    I'm wondering when the Polypack "Make Half-Life 2 Episode 3" contest will begin

    The added kill icons were made by the community. I made the Pain Train one, NeoDement made the others.
  • Karkasmolenklok
    Galago wrote: »
    The added kill icons were made by the community.
    Yep, which begs the question; why did it take so long, considering they didn't even make them anyway?
  • Simski
    Galago wrote: »
    The added kill icons were made by the community. I made the Pain Train one, NeoDement made the others.
    He's saying that they should have let you guys do that earlier, and that they should let the community help out more often.

    I'm really wondering why they don't use all the other fixes the community creates for example. The models, the kill icons, etc... they're all already there by the community, why not use that content available to make the game look better?
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