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TF2 - Polypack - Bal

polycounter lvl 17
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Bal polycounter lvl 17
Weee, want to make some Spy items, he's my favourite class.
Have a couple ideas, not sure with all these yet, will see what I can do.

Le Pisteaulet
Replacement gun, this is mostly a gameplay idea, so not sure if it'll get picked, but I think it's a good idea and have often wished I had something like it.
It's a small silly looking water pistol, that shoots out little squirts of water from your and your team-mates point of view, but for the opposing team, it shoots a fake projectile from whatever you're disguised as (say if you're a soldier, you'd be shooting fake rockets that deal no damage, etc).
This alows you to hide better when disguised by shooting, the downside obviously being that you have no more damage dealing gun, so it's knife-play only.

Electro-Sapper replacement
Dunno yet, different kind of box and cables, will draw something later.
If there was a gameplay switch, I'd want a sapper that only locks the building, without destroying it, but takes more wrench hits to be knocked off, would enhance teamplay, encouraging the spy to be used as a support class to lockdown sentries while the rest of the team pushes forward.

the Rollex
Gotta think more about this, thinking some fancy Rolex style watch, replacement for the cloak and dagger (they should have called it the clock and dagger... yeah I like stupid puns).
EDIT : At the moment, all three available watches have one point in common, they don't give the time! The Rollex won't allow you to cloak, but it will give you the exact time (system clock)! Having the right time is definitely more important then some silly cloaking device, don't want to keep the ladies waiting.

Alternate Diguise Kit
Just a visual replacement, with a different screen, and thin cigarillos instead of cigarettes (thanks Crepator for the idea!), Spy knows how to be classy. Oh also I was thinking of trying to slide the photo of scout's mom (pyro?) from meet the spy, inside the kit, kind of sticking out behind the cigarillos.
EDIT : I'll make a cigarillos replacement for the cigarette the spy has in his mouth. Was also thinking it would be fun to switch the taunt animation for it (cigarette flick), where the cigarillos would be like trick-cigs (think James Bond gadget), that ignite anyone they hit.

Ok, gotta get to work on all this now... Good luck everyone!


  • Zwiffle
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    Zwiffle null
    Damn I wanted to do a Spy theme, but then it's going to look like I'm just copying you. Dang. Looking forward to yo sh*t.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    There are a hell of a lot more than nine entrants in this comp. I wouldn't worry about doubling up.

    Some ideas with potential, Bal.
  • treythepunkid
    Jackablade wrote: »

    Some ideas with potential, Bal.

    Indeed, I am quite fond of the Le Pisteaulet. It's pure genius!
  • vcool
    You first idea is pretty much exactly what I had in mind as well, except it would just be a toy pistol (maybe with a Made in China somewhere) and it was gonna be called leBlank (it shoots blanks).

    The problem with this kind of thing is that some weapons, like the sniper's rifle and and heavy's gattling, have those additional modes (scope and revolving) respectively. Also there are those fullauto guns (much less of an issue with your water pistol because you can shoot a continuous stream of water.) So in my head I ended up ditching leBlank and came up with the Emul-a-gun 9001 - a hi-tech gun emulator. It would enable secondary modes, although now that I think about it, right clicking is for cloak so it won't work very well. Perhaps using the last disguise button (which changes the apparent weapon) would be the secondary mode.

    Anyway, that's some food for thought. I most likely won't end up doing it so the best of luck to you.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Zwiffle, hah, you better still do something. :)

    Jackablade, treythepunkid, thanks!

    vcool, some nice ideas yeah, leBlank is also a good name idea.
    Yeah I was thinking water pistol keeps things simpler, it doesn't really matter how the faked weapons animation is, just have shot speed change from the spy point of view depending on the weapon (with an eventual continual stream with the flamethrower and minigun maybe).
    Secondary modes are pretty much out of the question what with the watches, but I don't think they are necessary. The spy doesn't have to be able to Emulate EVERYTHING, it's up to the player to chose what looks best, for instance, switching to the machine gun when cloaking as spy.

    I had an extra idea for the Rollex watch replacement : At the moment, all three available watches have one point in common, they don't give the time! The Rollex won't allow you to cloak, but it will give you the exact time (system clock)! Having the right time is definitely more important then some silly cloaking device, don't want to keep the ladies waiting.

    Also for the cigarillos disguise kit, I'll make a cigarillos replacement for the cigarette the spy has in his mouth. Was also thinking it would be fun to switch the taunt animation for it (cigarette flick), where the cigarillos would be like trick-cigs (think James Bond gadget), that ignite anyone they hit against.
  • Moosey_G
    Le Pisteaulet est un tres bonne id
  • Burkans
    Bal, I think Le Pisteaulet is a great idea. I’ve even registered here to post some thoughts about it =)I think it lacks some debuffs:
    1) In my opinion it must shoot projectiles not at the speed of original weapon, but as you press the LMB. That way skilled spy must think how rapidly he must shoot those fakes to look natural. It also would be fun to see some disguised spy to fire rockets at the speed of minigun =)
    2) There also must be no reload (and it’s obvious, since it’s a water gun) so disguised spy could not perform a reload animation.
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