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TF2 - Polypack - Notorious Pyro

polycounter lvl 17
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Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
I'm going with the PYRO since it's my favorite class (and a hottie) :poly142:
I'm really busy on other stuff so I'm not gonna make it too hard for myself.



The Firewall - A big shield... that's... wait for it... on fire! Used like the demomans charge ability. Everything it touches goes FWOOSH! while it also protects the pyro from some damage.

(I'm currently working on the firewall idea since i realize having it on fire will be tricky to pull off. It will probably just be a riot shield with a flame painted onto it. Maybe glowing hot.)


  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Keep in mind that your items must be of the same theme, and within the TF2 theme.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    adam wrote: »
    Keep in mind that your items must be of the same theme, and within the TF2 theme.
    Granted. The way they've been adding stuff lately it feels like anything fits as long as you keep the style.

    Anything that grabs your attention in particular? Or is the deal here more or less straight up model swaps?
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I'm doing this one just for the hell of it. It's quick and easy. If it can't be used for it's original idea then so be it. It makes for a good melee-weapon aswell hehe. :)

    I'm also rethinking a bunch of my ideas so think of the first ideas as suggestions.

  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    I think the shield could look awesome if you give it that hot poker idea!
  • Simski
    Granted. The way they've been adding stuff lately it feels like anything fits as long as you keep the style.

    Anything that grabs your attention in particular? Or is the deal here more or less straight up model swaps?

    I think he means how a gasoline tank, a skunk, and a flaming shield aren't that very related to each other in the way a "theme" would imply.

    A theme would be like using only things that could be found in a fire department, using things that could only be found at a barbecue party, or using things that could only be found at a gas station.

    I like your gasoline tank though.
    However if it's going to be a melee weapon, you would have to cut one of it's previous functions.
    Weapons only have 2 functions, it has to have an attack to be a melee and the secondary button can't do 2 functions at the same time.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    While I like the shield the most (it's called the firewall for goodness sake!) I'm worried about the whole animation / extra stuff since I'm not gonna animate it (zero skill and knowledge). That's why I've been thinking about a model swap instead.

    Simski: Yeah I talked to him on Msn after that post. Anyway, I've removed the skunk idea and have been thinking about a napalm gun. Still. that would be a new mechanic aswell. About the primary/secondary thing though. Melee is just a backup idea. I would prefer the trap-idea if it's possible. I've gotten lots of good comments about it. :)

    Since you guys have been so nice to comment I'll post an update on my gas can. It's just basic colors right now. I will of course have to add dirt and stuff aswell as some wear and tear and material tweaks.

  • Simski
    Cool, it could do well looking a bit more worn though.

    Perhaps with the paint job being a bit worn on areas showing more of the metal container, little darker, and perhaps a slight amount of rust.
    (A friend of my dad have one of those standing in his garage)

    Oh and... the logo would probably be better of being a mock logo of 50's gas stations, I don't think many companies would advertise their oil with a giant big flame...
  • HighwayHalfling
    Perhaps instead of placing on the ground, throwing it on the ground, aka being able to throw not only at the ground but at people :D for a small amount of damage, but hell it still can bash someone over the head and solves the wanting to make a melee weapon? Just a thought :)
  • ScudzAlmighty
    aww, he loves that little can of gas:poly129:
  • Incapability
    The gas can idea is great, I can't help but to think of Postal 2.

    The model is very fine the way it is, good job, but maybe you would want to work on the texture. As it has been said previously, making it look more worn and rusty, a few scratches and maybe a well placed dent in the can, would make it look fantastic. The sound of liquid sloshing around inside it would be the perfect touch, too.

    You should try looking up some pictures of gas stations and tools from the '50s era, that could serve as some great inspiration for the texture to the can. I'm afraid the current design makes it look like some sick arsonist sold the gas can, maybe you'd want to give it a look like it was bought/taken from a garage instead? As I said, there are a lot of great design ideas, you could work in something like "RED Gasoline - Pure Leaded Gold" or, you know, something along the lines of that.

    Hope it helps, I'd really like to see where this goes.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    About the textures. I wrote this in my previous post hehe.

    "It's just basic colors right now. I will of course have to add dirt and stuff aswell as some wear and tear and material tweaks."

    But incapability you bring up a good point about the decal/logo. I'll think about it while i do the rest of the can. :)
  • Simski
    Lol, sorry for the low attention span :poly108:
    Looking forward to see what you'll do with the logo though.
  • Thatguyoverthere
    • Good job on the gas can concept but maybe when equipped you take +20% explosive damage take for the tank due to tanks being very commonly explosive.
    • Firewall could be that underwater it goes out until you get more ammo and also that it could make you take resistance to some things like the Chargin' Targe.
    • Good concepts all and all, need to make the gas can more fitting to beaten up. Maybe like the HL2 barrel except gas can form and not so rusty. Hope I helped. ^^
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Humm. Thanks for the crit. Will think about those stats things :)

    I'm not adding a normalmap since it doesn't seem like many assets use them. I know alot of guys that contributed had their maps removed.

  • Simski
    Looking good, but I still think you should change the logo itself and give the gascan a dent or two.
    No company is going to want to have the exact same logo as another company :O
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    really cool first concept. Which slot will this be replacing? Gotta agree with more wear and tear on the can itself. Perhaps making it more readable from a distance. Larger brush strokes, ect. Looking good.

    Out of curiosity how are you going to be implementing this into the game?
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    this is awesome dude
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    mikezoo. I'd imagine that it would fill the melee slot so I'd have to keep one trap ability.

    I don't want to do to much wear and tear though. Most TF assets are pretty clean. I already feel like it's to much. (Updated the image after your post). Kind of feels like the deville-logo is to cluttered aswell. Hmm.

    About implentation... I have noooooo idea. :)
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    It's looking really nice, PIG, but I'd suggest using much larger brush strokes for all the details like scratches and wear. Most detail in TF2 is implied by using large brushes at high opacity to give a very painted feel, so the scratches and such you have on there don't really fit at the moment.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    I totally hear what you mean Pig. u dont want to make it too busy. What I was implying was taking your existing details and portraying them in a more painterly fashion. Like what Swizzle said. Larger brush strokes

    Are you going to try and get this working in-game? that would be some pimping stuff there!
  • Simski
    Are you going to animate it?
    I assume it's going to need a pouring animation, and a throwing animation.

    I would however recommend also having a regular hitting animation just in case.
    Valve might not be so thrilled about the idea of a melee weapons which only melee attack is a ranged attack, and I'm guessing you'd probably sacrifice it's throwing ability rather than it's pouring ability if you had to choose.
  • HighwayHalfling
    Okay I'm seeing how this could be a melee weapon now, have the secondary attack be the pouring and have a recharge like the sandman and the primary bashing, one of the negative effects if shot while carrying = boom? Just throwing some ideas out there :) definitely like the idea though
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    hmm, I don't think those scratches, nor logo fit the TF2 style, take a look at the weapons, for example: http://i39.tinypic.com/rbedt3.jpg and notice that the textures contain large rough strokes. They hint at detail without actually painting details.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I agree with them on the texture. Needs a more painted feel. Right now it looks more like a realistic model/texture with cartoonish shading.

    Anyway I really like the idea of the gas can. I have a mechanic similar for my Engineer set. Hopefully Valve will pick ideas like this if they have the possibility for good gameplay. It seems like they were expecting just new aesthetics for existing items from us but that's no fun!
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I have read your wishes/requests/hints/crits and as your humble slave I have backtracked and hopefully improved on the design. I have also cleaned up the PSD and removed the elements I did not like in preparation for the handpainting tomorrow.

    I will probably look more into the Blu-version's logo. Will probably remove the "Extra Potent" from the red version so I keep the round shape at the bottom.

    (Had to do this so you don't miss it hehe :D)


    EDIT: OH and guys. About implentation and animations etc. I haven't animated since the early school days (4 years ago) so It's gonna be tricky for me to pull off.

    I also have no idea what to expect from the editor as I've never done anything in it. I've heard horrorstories though. I'd love to do it if I could but I can't promise anything, I will certainly try to get it into the game though (even if it's just standing there on the ground).
  • Simski
    Sexy <3

    (never mind what i said here, I am a very confused person)
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Selected my theme. BBQ.
    Chef's hat + two handed metal spatula for those huge steaks for his heavy-bro's coming up.

    Putting this on hold / temporary finish for the time being. Fairly happy with where it's at. I'd just like the opportunity to study how other artists here on PC do their textures before I go back to it.

  • RossC
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    RossC polycounter lvl 9
    I love the gas can already. Not only does it fit the style but it looks hilarious aswell.
  • Fragus
    Great! Get ready to see your gascan in-game Notorious P.I.G, because I think it's gonna be there!
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
  • AyesDyef
    Are you posing the Pyro and exporting that pose into Modelviewer?
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks guys. I might do some final touches at the end phase but I want to get some spatula-action on now.

    Ayes: No I'm using 3DSMAX + print screen button, Importing the pyro model and posing him there. I use this shader. http://blog.maginot.eu/index.php?seite=people&people=till&page=mhn2048106717

    I guess I'll have to do a few modelviewer shots but in that case it will only be the gascan. I think I'll import it when I'm done with the spatula. Then I can add them both at the same time. hehe.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Well. I tried getting my stuff into the editor and it's just impossible.

    Running the guistudio says gameinfo.txt doesn't exist. So i heard you should run vconfig. Then i find out that steam.dll isn't running. Oh. So i put steam.dll in the folders and i don't get an error message anymore...

    But do i get any gameinfo? noooo.

    Seriously shitty. I love UDK so much more now. Open editor, import mesh, Done. :/
  • vcool
    Make sure steam is running.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I assume it's running since im looking at my friendslist and store page / library of tools.
    I deleted all my sdk stuff and I'm downloading it from scratch again.
  • vcool
    Are you trying to compile with GUIStudioMDL?
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
  • vcool
    Make sure you've run TF2 at least once.

    When you launch GUIDtudioMDL - does it says something about game paths not configured? Go to Config and add Orange Box path and navigate to steamapps\account\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin and find a GameInfo.txt It contains the list of all games you use the SDK with.

    You don't need the steam.dll in the folder.

    Oh and, I'm not sure but you probably have to launch Source SDK at least once.

    Also, the SDK was updated not long ago with more engine choices, so I'm not sure how well the tools work now.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I did this before. Then it complained that the gameinfo.txt was missing. I'm redownloading sourcesdk-files as i said. Then I'll start from scratch. It's done in 10 minutes I suppose.
  • Psyke
    i have to say, this is the most rounded, fun, and all round brilliant submission iv'e seen cometogether so far

    everything about it is so quirky and in-line with the feel of team fortress 2

    i can really see this becoming an item in game, and my god do i hope it does.
  • Simski
    Psyke wrote: »
    i have to say, this is the most rounded, fun, and all round brilliant submission iv'e seen cometogether so far

    everything about it is so quirky and in-line with the feel of team fortress 2

    i can really see this becoming an item in game, and my god do i hope it does.
    The rules suggests it won't happen though :(
  • Svdl
    The gas can NEEDS to be in the game, so be sure to submit it even if it's outside the competition.
    A man can dream..
  • Simski
    I personally don't like it as a melee though, I think it would be more balanced as a secondary.
    I also don't think the "Firewall" makes that much sense anyway.
  • Psyke
    as a replacement for the melee, if anything

    couldn't it just be a gas can he smacks folk with

    also some unintentional ties to l4d2 could be fun
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    Pretty epic if it was implemented into the game, maybe instead of a melee have a dump the contents onto your enemy, but then again melee is nice to have.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Cool down lads. I'll be sure to send it in and hope for the best. :)

    Pic from modelviewer, It has been exported and "everything works" as you can see, no specmap though since i don't know if they use them or not. I would like to try and get it ingame now. At least for bashing with but I have no clue where to begin.

  • beaRKT227
    This totally needs to be in game. Whichever way it gets there. And this would be great as a melee weapon, possibly leaking out gas when you hit with the possibility that it pours as well. The whole throwing and shooting idea is great.
  • Fragus
  • Blueplastic
    Simski wrote: »
    The rules suggests it won't happen though :(

    But i would love to see this in game...it fits TF2 perfectly and the model is awesome
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