Hey guys!
well me and a mate of mine, were are setting up a brand new youtube and website, and we need a user name!! :O ( for youtube mainly,
the whole theme is media,
we are looking into doing alot of tutorials for sevrel programs including photoshop and 3ds max and stuff, we are also looking into doing reviews for things, like games, films iphone apps, stuff like that, but we can not think of any cool catchy names for are youtube page, once we got a youtube channel name, we will use it to design are main website,
if you want anymore info, please just ask

soo why hit us up with ANY good name ideas (:
Media Monkeys
Media Encyclopaedia
3D Me-Dee (a)
Polycount (might need to ask Adam, I'll be surprised if its not already taken by him - just checked, someone from UK has it; http://www.youtube.com/user/polycount)
Actual site lol.
its actually http://polycunt.net/
I bet the admin (Polycunter) is someone from here!
how about "leastcreativepeopleintheuniverse.net"
- 3DGuys
- FreeDee (if your tutorials will be free?)