Yeah I have this annoyance as well especially dealing with multiple objects where you have to go out from subObject mode by pressing '6' or click the 'editable poly'. I wonder if there's any shorter way to do that.
Finally I Override 1/2/3/4/5 standard editpoly hotkeys with new macros
hit 1 or 2/3/4/5 ==> go in vertex/edge/..() mode
re-hit 1 or 2/3/4/5 ==> go in object mode and you can select another object!
I have added a line, with "Max modify mode", like this, if your are not in "modify panel" when you select an object and hit 1 to set vertex mode, the script go automatically in the panel "modify"
Download script V1.2 here
Works fine on max 2009 and 2010
Sometimes 1 2 3 4 5 from "Editable poly" Group are not remplaced automaticaly, so you have to remove them manually
Shortcut for Converting subobject selection to an another in EditablePoly and Unwrap:
CTRL+1 for epoly_convert_to_vertex
CTRL+2 for epoly_convert_to_edge
CTRL+3 for epoly_convert_to_border
CTRL+4 for epoly_convert_to_face
CTRL+5 for epoly_convert_to_element
no way to change the thread name??
=> Override -Selection Mode- & -Convert Selection- in EditablePoly/UnwrapUVW
That way you would have to put your cursor on the other object you wanna select push the key and voil
hit 1 or 2/3/4/5 ==> go in vertex/edge/..() mode
re-hit 1 or 2/3/4/5 ==> go in object mode and you can select another object!
I have added a line, with "Max modify mode", like this, if your are not in "modify panel" when you select an object and hit 1 to set vertex mode, the script go automatically in the panel "modify"
Download script V1.2 here
Works fine on max 2009 and 2010
Sometimes 1 2 3 4 5 from "Editable poly" Group are not remplaced automaticaly, so you have to remove them manually
works fine with ActivateBaseObject script!
But I prefer keep the shortcut override ON, for other shortcut
Fix bug when you works with "show end result on/off toggle"
Add Shortcut for Converting subobject selection to an another in EditablePoly and Unwrap
Download V1.3 Here !
Shortcut for Converting subobject selection to an another in EditablePoly and Unwrap:
CTRL+1 for epoly_convert_to_vertex
CTRL+2 for epoly_convert_to_edge
CTRL+3 for epoly_convert_to_border
CTRL+4 for epoly_convert_to_face
CTRL+5 for epoly_convert_to_element
no way to change the thread name??
=> Override -Selection Mode- & -Convert Selection- in EditablePoly/UnwrapUVW