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Art Tests in Portfolios

polycounter lvl 10
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Axios polycounter lvl 10
Sorry if this discussion has come up before, tried searching for it. Should a good art test be put in one's portfolio? I'm talking about the non-NDA variety of course. How is this normally handled and how should it be? How is it viewed by the company that gave it and how is it viewed by potential employers? How do these things change based on whether the art test was a success (got the job) or failed (assuming the art test is at least on par with or better than the rest of the portfolio)? And finally, if an art test is displayed, should it even be stated that it was an art test?

I'm of the mindset that someone can show whatever they want if their portfolio benefits it so long as they actually created it and have legal rights to it (no NDA), but I can understand reasons not to. I'm hoping for a more experienced opinion on this. Thanks.


  • Eric Chadwick
    Some artists show art tests in their portfolios, others do not. If the work is good, and if you didn't get the job, by all means include it in your portfolio. If you got the job, then simply ask your employer for permission.

    Strictly speaking, you are only prohibited from showing the work if you signed an NDA and the art shows material that would compromise their privacy. Or if the company paid you for it, and you signed over the rights to it.

    Otherwise, go for it. If the art looks great, it doesn't matter that it's from a test. Just make sure to include attribution for the parts you didn't do (concept art, etc.).

    Oh, also check out the Art Test Master List over at GameArtisans.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    My rule of thumb with it is if the art test didn't get you to the next stage (an interview or phone interview) then don't use it. If the test was not artistically at the level to get you to the point where the company did not have any issues with your art then use it. Otherwise there is probably something off about the test and you should not display it. That said if a company asks for more samples then maybe that is a fall back piece for you to show (as long as no NDA was signed).
  • Mark Dygert
    I agree if its good, include it. However there could be a bit of a stigma with it.
    "Nice... We're the 2nd-3rd-4th place he/she has tried..."
    "How many of these pieces am I going to see today, they all look the same?"
    "Got shot down by XX huh?" ...silence... "err well ahh... let me explain..."

    Considering most art tests are meant to be done in your spare time and completed in a few days to a week, might as well do something original that falls along the same lines as the art test?

    I think you should include it for now and replace it when you get some time.
  • Eric Chadwick
    "Nice... We're the 2nd-3rd-4th place he/she has tried..."
    This has never been a factor in my experience. Jumping around from job to job with very short stints, that's a problem.

    "How many of these pieces am I going to see today, they all look the same?"
    Yeah, valid point. But if your piece rocks, that's really all that matters. Besides all the other mediocre versions will make yours rock a little more in comparison.

    "Got shot down by XX huh?" ...silence... "err well ahh... let me explain..."
    It's always good to have reasons stored away for past events like these. Like "I'm not sure what their reasons were, but I put my best into the piece and I think it shows" or somesuch.

    I recently put an art test up on my site, even though the company didn't hire me. They said the art was good but I was strong on the technical, and they already have a lot of technically-strong people, so they were looking for more of a senior illustrator/painter. That's fine, I still think the art is good enough on its own to show my skills.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Personally, I avoid putting art tests up. I think it will probably not reflect badly on you, but even the slightest chance of it making you look bad, I personally am not willing to take.

    However, I haven't done an art test where I was like "man, I have to get this on my portfolio!". I have been tempted a few times, but decided against it.

    If I were you, and the test was much better than anything I had done in the past I would put it up. But if it's just another quality model and doesn't stick out in any way, then No.

    Really it all depends and ultimately its up to you. Hope this helps!
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    Personally, I think as long as it really shows what you can do, and its something you're proud of, (as long as it isn't overdone or under nda) it's worth posting. Although, it seems like most people out there can recognize a test as a test and it might give off the impression that you failed or would have rather worked at xx company before you tried sending out your portfolio to others. I was able to review someone's portfolio once and was shocked to see that everything they had under personal artwork was an art test. Thats's something i'd reccomend avoiding.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Personally I would only put up an art test if it got me the job or it was really amazing even if I didnt get the job.

    As for someone just starting out though and you do an art test that is better the most of the work in your folio i say go for it. Who cares if you didnt get the job from the test. There are tons of reasons why you might not have gotten the job. There could be lots of people doing the same test, it might be well done but not the style they were looking for and so forth.

    Just look at it this way. Your folio should show case your best work, and if that happens to be an art test for a company that didnt hire you its still good work to show what you can do.

    If it sucks dont show it.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Per you're right in if it's awesome and they still don't take the interviewing process to the next step then put it up.

    In my experience every art test I've nailed I'm flying, driving, or having someone call me. It's usually in that step that things either work out or they don't come together. Whenever I 'phone it in' on the art test things don't proceed and usually I didn't put up those art tests in my portfolio because I didn't give 100% on the piece.

    I say usually, but there are a few times where I think the piece is still good or other people have asked my why that's not on my site, etc.

    I agree with Autocon, if it sucks don't show it.
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