Help America youth get healthy with the power of video games
_The IGDA Seattle Pro Chapter is looking for participation from our
professional community
for a very special event at The Art Institute of Seattle this coming
The Art Institute of Seattle is hosting the IGDA Games for Health Game Jam.
This is an opportunity for professionals and students to participate in a
game design marathon that is co-sponsored by Michelle Obamas Apps for
Healthy Kids initiative, the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation, the IGDA and
the USDA. The Art Institute is the only location in Seattle holding one of
these events, although other game jams will be taking place this weekend
around the country.
The Art Institute will also be providing food, beverages, internet access,
as well as some extra work stations...basically, everything you need to Jam.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Pioneer Portfolio, The Games for Health
Project (
www.gamesforhealth.org) and Health Games Research (
www.healthgamesresearch.org) conference (
www.gamesforhealth.org) have teamed
up with the IGDA to produce this Games for Health Game Jam. This event is
in support of the US Department of Agriculture's Apps for Healthy Kids
contest (
http://igda.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6109a60e7356ca1f6ead35894&id=0d099bca06&e=f4e96057f6 which is also part of First
Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move anti-childhood obesity campaign. The goal
of this IGDA Game Jam is to generate interesting prototypes that can be
entered into the game category of Apps for Healthy Kids contest.
Any completed games or prototypes can be entered into the White House Apps
for Healthy Kids competition. (
If you or anyone you know would like to participate in all or part of the
event please show up. We welcome anyone who would like to collaborate on
some original game designs.
Doors open for the Seattle Game for Health Game Jam at 4pm on Friday, May
21st. The full schedule is as follows:
Friday May 21 4pm-12am
Saturday May 22 9am-12am
Sunday May 23 9am-4pm
North Campus Art Institute of Seattle
2600 Alaskan Way
Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 448-0900
Map Link [1]
Interested parties including artists, programmers, designers, producers, in
fact, anyone who would like to make a game should contact _Rusel DeMaria -
_Thanks to Tom Buscaglia, The Game Attorney, for sponsoring this email.
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