I have a head with a bunch of morph targets on it in 3dsmax which is fine . The problem is I lost the neutral tweaked pose where the head is a lot better looking/thinner and the eyes are further up the head.
I want to combine the two get the updated head and keep the original morph targets intact.
The tweaked head is a separate mesh and its the same vert order as the other morphs.
I tried just adding the new head as a morph target, bu then the morphs just change back . I want a kind of blended additive morph if that makes sense
Been a while since I've done morphs in Max, there might be a better way, but that should work.
i will get back when I figure it out:)
ok I had to reconstruct the original neutral shape, by using one of the morph targets that was almost neutral.(lips tight shut in this case)
I then cloned this mesh and collapsed the modifier. I then copied and pasted the original morpher modifier on to the copied mesh and added the 'fixed' mesh as a morph target.
this seemed to produce and additive blend.
some of the mouth verts move a little, but it works . just gotta tidy it up now.
doh, hate using my brain and there is probably some easier fix here