Acropora (1.0.0012 RC1) Release candidate is now available for download.
Acropora incorporates some of the latest advances in voxel modeling technology. Features include:
- A widevariety of base shapes and compound shapes as primary surfaces
- User-defined surfaces
- Voxelisation of user imported models
- Over 50+ volume modifiers
- Automatic generation of up to 15 octaves of three-dimensional noise (volumetric, Perlin and fractal)
- Extensive voxel and noise editing tools
- Extensive post-processing of meshes (tesselation, smoothing, simplification,...)
- Batch processing
- Multiple LOD support
- Export to multiple mesh formats, DDS volume textures, and raw voxel data
Additions and improvements:
- General undo function
- Improved GUI design (new Tools pane)
- Lofts & grooves (for generating spline-controlled volumes)
- Extrude & bore
- Fall-off for regions
- Added flat-bottom filter
- Added taper modifier
- Carving pen (with cube, sphere and conical chisels)
- Mesh smoothing enhancements
- Completely revamped object removal tool (for removing those unsightly polygon artifacts). Now faster and with filtering options.
- Added transforms to base objects (plane, cylinder, sphere, metaballs)
- Tool to apply walls along world-space boundaries where there is solid material.
- Manual position control of regions and geometric modifiers.
- Enhanced 3D spike modifier
- Transformations (rotation+translation) added to the following modifiers: helix, rings, wave, ripple, river/canyon, spikes, gravity well, cube, cylinder, torus, radial fingers, cone,.
- Comprehensive help file
Acropora looks pretty promising. Thanks for posting tncomp. I'm going to assume you are the developer and ask a few questions, if you're not the developer then never mind :poly136:.
Right now it looks like the best use for Acropora is terrain. Since the main use seems to be terrain, especially caves which is awesome! Are there any plans to add nature based modifiers such as those seen in World Machine like erosion?
I think most people around here will want to know how it handles bringing in base meshes to then sculpt on and/or apply various modifiers too. Supporting 3DS, FBX, COLLADA, and OBJ is quite nice.
In which case they will want to be able to sculpt using a brush that offers precise strokes, pressure, and control over the brush shape (either a 3d shape, or a shape derived from a 2d source image). Any plans to add that in the future?
I see that Acropora can import "watertight" meshes to use as a starting point. How does it handle multiple intersecting "watertight meshes"?
From what I saw in the YouTube videos the transform tools (move, rotate, scale) don't have any value entry fields (maybe I just missed them) that would be sorely missed when trying to work on anything non organic.
I didn't see a bend modifier, that would be pretty useful as well.
YouTube videos for those too lazy to go to the site:
Yes, I am the developer. Acropora is a tool for rapid creation of organic surfaces/objects. Acropora is not just for terrain, any kind of organic object can be created; asteroids, planets, weaves, webs, coral, plants...
- Heightmaps from other apps (World-machine, GeoControl, Terragen) can be directly imported as displacement maps.
- Erosion tools will come.
- Acropora already supports voxel exporting of data for games engines that support, also in compact RLE format.
- Regions have dialogs for precise control of transformations (rotation, translate , scale)
- Remember, Acropora is a procedural voxel modeler, that is, all actions are governed by procedural calls, thus allowing for compact descriptive commands for shaders to generate meshes. Even the chisel tools are procedural.
- Acropora is Middleware, once you create a complex surface you can readily export it to your favorite app (3D-coat, MAX, Maya, LW) .
- Import of meshes (they don't have to be 100% watertight).
- There is a lot that isn't covered in the videos, try the demo.
Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions are welcome.
Right now it looks like the best use for Acropora is terrain. Since the main use seems to be terrain, especially caves which is awesome! Are there any plans to add nature based modifiers such as those seen in World Machine like erosion?
I think most people around here will want to know how it handles bringing in base meshes to then sculpt on and/or apply various modifiers too. Supporting 3DS, FBX, COLLADA, and OBJ is quite nice.
In which case they will want to be able to sculpt using a brush that offers precise strokes, pressure, and control over the brush shape (either a 3d shape, or a shape derived from a 2d source image). Any plans to add that in the future?
I see that Acropora can import "watertight" meshes to use as a starting point. How does it handle multiple intersecting "watertight meshes"?
From what I saw in the YouTube videos the transform tools (move, rotate, scale) don't have any value entry fields (maybe I just missed them) that would be sorely missed when trying to work on anything non organic.
I didn't see a bend modifier, that would be pretty useful as well.
YouTube videos for those too lazy to go to the site:
Yes, I am the developer. Acropora is a tool for rapid creation of organic surfaces/objects. Acropora is not just for terrain, any kind of organic object can be created; asteroids, planets, weaves, webs, coral, plants...
- Heightmaps from other apps (World-machine, GeoControl, Terragen) can be directly imported as displacement maps.
- Erosion tools will come.
- Acropora already supports voxel exporting of data for games engines that support, also in compact RLE format.
- Regions have dialogs for precise control of transformations (rotation, translate , scale)
- Remember, Acropora is a procedural voxel modeler, that is, all actions are governed by procedural calls, thus allowing for compact descriptive commands for shaders to generate meshes. Even the chisel tools are procedural.
- Acropora is Middleware, once you create a complex surface you can readily export it to your favorite app (3D-coat, MAX, Maya, LW) .
- Import of meshes (they don't have to be 100% watertight).
- There is a lot that isn't covered in the videos, try the demo.
Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions are welcome.