Hi all, this is a Mech Gunner I've been working on. Applesoldier helped me build the base model with his tutorial but I would like to take it further and add a loading chamber and maybe 2 small missile launchers. If you have any helpful advice, please feel free to comment.
I think that this is something you should look at just to kind of get a feel for a more sturdy design. I just feel that it would be easy to knock this thing over, so maybe give it some more girth and really build out those lets. Great work though, can you post some wireframes?
The first could be improved if you made it look more agile and complete.
atm, the legs look weak due to the fact that they are connected to nothing,
you should make the 'thigh' a bit larger to give a more solid feel, but you can keep the thin bit at the bottom to keep it cool :cool:
The circular piece right above the legs is really out of place and non-defining. it needs some sense as to how power and locomotion is getting to the limbs, not just legs sticking out of a cylinder.
if you extend the back legs farther back and lower the gun, it will look tons more stable. with such a large gun, i could imagine these would have to absorb alot of recoil.
keep in mind, all of this is about the first model, cause i like it
if you want to keep with the last model, then,
it looks like one shot would take and arm off, beef it up in that area or add supporting hydraulics and stuff. and the legs look like it would move 1 mph.
I think you should sketch some thumbnails out and take a good look at the overall forms. Even if you aren't a concept artist, the pre-planning will help out immensely.