So I am moving to Seattle to start my new jorb at Runic end of this month (May).
I am looking for places to live currently and can't really trust the realtor/apt hunters I've been speaking with because they are biased based on which apt complex sponsors them.
So who all is out there? What are some nice areas to live right downtown (I have been spoiled with pretty much no commute my entire professional career so I don't wanna start now)? How does everyone like it out there?

I wouldn't recommend actually living downtown unless you like homeless people and fighting coked-up guidos outside clubs. Capitol hill is one of the closest districts to downtown and it's where I live... it's a good place to go if you're in your mid-20's and like having a life outside of work. And by "having a life" I mean drinking, eating out and generally being a hedonist. The one downside is the hipsters. They're everywhere, like flannel-wearing cockroaches with poor music taste.
You chose a good time to move to seattle, summers here are glorious, especially if you like camping/hiking.
Shoot me a pm when you're in the area man, I'll show ya the best places to score crack and meet ugly chicks.
I live in Belltown currently, which is the district just north of downtown Seattle proper. Lots of bars and restaurants in the area (all overpriced), and tons of new apartments and condos are springing up in the area (also all overpriced). Belltown used to be a very sketchy part of Seattle but is quickly transforming into an established downtown residential area; though it can still be rowdy here, especially on weekend nights. (Few weeks ago several police officers had their guns drawn on some dude right in front of my apartment at 3 AM in the morning). Also the Space Needle/Seattle Center is located here so dealing with crowds of tourists can get annoying. I never planned on living in Belltown permanently and eventually plan to move somewhere less hectic, probably to Queene Anne, or even further north; close enough to the city without having to deal with all the drunkards and hobos constantly asking for money.
If you don't mind dealing with the homeless, drug users, drunken clubers, loud noises and constant construction, horrible traffic congestion, overpriced food and property, downtown Seattle might just be the place for you (just like any downtown). Please avoid Pioneer Square, during the day it's nice but at night I won't go near that place.
I laughed.
Plus you can have lunch outside the Adobe building and throw things at it.
What ?
XD Grats on the gig!!
Either way congrats, and yeah well have to do a meet up once you get settled in.
EDIT: I live in Kirkland because i cant fight the urge to hunt down hobos when i see them, Condemned trained me too well.
Also don't trust what ferg says, he has just as bad taste as the hipsters! Speaking of hipsters where is stoofoo?
Seattle is an awesome city though, I miss it a lot and hope to move back someday(especially that I'm now a Baltimoron). Like Ferg said, you couldn't be moving there at a better time, the summers are awesome. I wouldn't want to live downtown myself, it's cool to visit on the weekends and nights and throw down, but definitely a haven for homelessness and crime. I never lived in Seattle proper but I had friends that lived in Ballard and Shoreline and thought they seemed like pretty cool areas.
Grats on the job and enjoy your new home.
Is Hipster you young uns term for yuppies?
Anyhow, I jog through downtown 12:00-1:00AM sometimes on third. Its not that bad. It really isn't. And as far as the homeless. Thats what happens in a urban area.
Anyhow, if you want somewhere close to downtown that you can walk.
Capital Hill (Younger Yuppies and Alt Lifestyles)
First Hill (Older Yuppies [Ouppies?])
If you want someplace you can bike.
Freemont (Family Yuppie/Greeny area though)
Beacon Hill (Where I am. Just Booooooring)
Out of all of the above, Beacon Hill would be the cheapest area to live.
As far as looking for a place. Craigslist. Look at houseshares.
Congrats as well at Runic
but i agree with ferg. capitol hill is where its at. cheap rent, slow gentrification (only one landmark from sir mix-a-lots posse on broadway left? WTF?!), plenty of bars/restaurants/music venues. there is the hipster stink, but whatever.
*edit* - congrats on the job man, torchlight was fun.
Nah, not exactly. This should explain it. The hobo problem isn't terrible, but one will see a good amount of them.
Sorry off topic.
Well, generally, people who are invested into those specific combination of causes are the same people that aren't really invested into those specific combination of causes. Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread farther.
@Matabus - Look out of The PAX Expo in downtown, at the Convention Center every year. It's always been a blast.
and a few other things that I wont bring up without being labeled as a sexist
also hit up ebagg , that man can throw a party and big game crowd usually attend (some from polycount some not)
Tell all those sukah's I said whats up
I think that's less "sexist" and more superficial assmunch, sef
I'm on the eastside near TGZ, living in Microsoftville (Redmond) for about 2 years now. If you're looking for less stress and relaxation, eastside is great. Most everything you need is <10 min drive away here, so it's a nice area. Redmond itself is pretty expensive for apartments though, so Kirkland would be a better place.
If you dislike hot weather, you won't like our summers. In 2008 it was pretty nice, but last year got ungodly hot and humid in August. My apartment stayed > 100º non stop for weeks, even with windows/patio open and fans a blazin'
But really, the whole greater Seattle area is awesome. Whether downtown, Capitol Hill, Bellevue, Redmond or wherever - there's a ton of shit to do here.
BTW - congrats on the job and welcome to the area
I'll buy you a bourbon when you make the right choice and move to the hill.
Just saying, homey.
Seattle driving sucks balls though. All these lame ass 1 lane streets all over the place. Makes me want to shoot myself sometimes when you get behind someone who is only just going over the speed limit. Ah too use to the wonders of the CA road.
Dont know about it being filled with tons of "hipsters" maybe that more in the city or maybe I am a hipster and they look like normal people so I dont notice. Lots of young single moms though.
lol, riiiight.
I was already leaning toward Capitol Hill when I heard how good the night life was there. I think I remember a few of the guys from Runic telling me they lived there and the walk really wasn't bad at all. I plan on biking everywhere anyways.
I REALLY want an apt in this complex, but the 2Bdr 2Bath's are WAY too expensive:
edit: also, that building is right on broadway, which is the main drag on capitol hill. I wouldn't move there unless you really like having drunk assholes yelling outside your window till 3 am. Ferg recommend moving a few blocks away from broadway so's you can have your peace and quiet when you need it.
Speaking of which, once Matabus arrives, methinks it's time for a long overdo west side PC meetup eh guys?
Don't forget the Ride the Ducks. If I hear "Celebrate Good Times" one more time...
Keeping that quote for later regurgitation.
Anyhow, there is this older apartment complex on capital hill. The landlord seemed honest enough. Older building though, so for ground, you had to hook your ground wire to your radiator.
Its not one of the hipster places. Its across the street from the trader joes on Madison. Anyone remember the name? I cant find it in those apartment guides (which means to me you wont be dealing with a bunch of BS).
17th and Madison.
And yes. DON'T MOVE ABOVE THE FIRST FLOOR. If you have no AC and cant get a bottom level apartment. Move into a house share and get a basement or first floor room/area.
Biycle FTW.
Again, totally different outlook here.
Ok,, ok. Given, your right next to the antennas, so the nose bleeds and fillings picking up sports might happen once in awhile.
I always found those kinda cute.
I don't think you can really go wrong with most of the areas surrounding Downtown Seattle. As others have said though you don't want to live downtown downtown... a lot of areas turn pretty nasty and you don't want to be walking around alone at night.
Also the public transportation is great, the bus system is really easy to use, and you'll figure out your way around after only a few days.
Edit: Also you're going to love Seattle, it's awesome! Be sure to check out Paseo's Carribean Restaraunt... go get a Cuban Roast Sandwhich... be sure to get there early as there are huge lines out the door and they often run out of bread/pork. I still have cravings for those all the time!
Worlds greatest sammich.
Seriously. No exaggeration.
holy hell! that's legal?
oh yeah, what's KIR? I doubt you mean Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor
You might need a plan for getting around in the rain, for the next few months it won't be too much of an issue but the other 9mo biking around in the rain could be a downer. I did it for 2 years and loved it. I was only 2 miles from work but I grew up here, Woodenville/N Redmond area. Now I live way up north with a 40min commute, (yea don't do that...) we'll be moving back to Bothell/Woodenville soon.
Capitol Hill is a good choice, just like any area, don't do stupid things and you're fine.
I had a dry bag for my stuff and a bigger "wet" bag backpack which was just to carry my dry bag. No need to get a expensive dry bag or a harness unless you have money to throw away.
It might seem nerdy but splatter guards are great. Nothing worse then getting a stream of wet grit running down the back of your neck, or worse up your nose.
or get a car... then get fat and lazy. =P
I am in town now living at the Bell-town Inn on 3rd and Belle.
I've been all over and i've found Linda's in First Hill to be one of the coolest shpots cause of it's outdoor area + bar.
Who's in?
If your referencing a PC meetup. Probably a new thread would be good for that.