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Looking for some portfolio/job hunting advice

ngon master
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ZacD ngon master
Here's the sort version, I'm 19 living with my parents, going to community college (for art, doing the video game thing on my own). My father found a new job, but it happens to be in Ohio. Ohio lacks video game studios as much as KC. For that reason and various other reasons (friends, boyfriend, etc), I'd prefer to stay here, unless I get a job in the industry.

So lets get to the point, this summer I'm hoping to either get a job somewhere in the USA (or Canada, I'm a citizen there too :D), or get some CG/art related job in the KC. So the question is, how do I make my portfolio work for either of those job searches?

I reworked my site a little bit (still need to get some more render stills ready, stuff is kinda filler right now), would something like this be the best option (wording and having 2 pages)? http://zacdonald.com/index.html or would that deter jobs in KC from hiring me?

(Thanks http://www.peperaart.com/ and http://www.adambromell.com/ for the inspiration for the layout, hopefully its not copying those styles too much)


  • god3ila
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    god3ila polycounter lvl 10
    I'm French, and I'm not living in US, so I cannot tell you about jobs in video game industry in US.
    But, one thing for sure, if I can give you an advice (and I guess it's pretty the same every where) : the container doesn't matter. The contents are more important. You have to show what you're capable of. So you need more works, and not only few 3D meshes. Try to create some important projects started from scratch.
    As I can see on your web site, you've got good technical skills. Now, you just have to show your creativity. That's the key. :icon3:
    I don't know if it's the answer you expected, but it's the one I can give you. Try to show constructive and creative things.

    Good luck to you! I hope you will succeed. :)

    Sorry for my english...
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    @god3ila Thanks, and your English is great, don't worry about it.
    I'll work on adding more content once I'm done with finals (they are this week). I'm just concerned on how to word it.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    Hey man,
    I think you spend enough time on PC to know that the answers to your questions are all over the place on this forum, but here's what I think:

    Drop the two page thing, especially now, since your portfolio is so small.
    Modeling for the current (and even more so the next-) generation of games requires the same skillset as modeling for movies. If you have modeling and texturing talent, your work will appeal to either industry, so spend less time worrying about that, and more time generating the work.

    In terms of the site itself:

    Change the title from Untitled Document, that's an easy one.
    I don't know if anyone is going to contact you through MSN messenger, extra contact info can't hurt, but having that in two places might be overzealous.

    Instead of saying where you are in school, maybe just say you are a student, and possibly list your expected finishing date. (aka when you would become available for full-time work. ) No one outside your area is really going to know what JCCC is, and unless you're at Yale or something, it's probably not worth mentioning anyway.

    I mean, you'll hear it a million times, focus on generating art work, once that's good, you can worry about the rest.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    The whole location thing for your situation really sucks man, especially if your rents are moving. You are most definitely in a pickle.

    If you move, you will have to change schools, but the plus side is that you would be able to have the time available to work on art given living with your family is a free ride, most of the time.

    If you stay, you will be able to finish your degree at the same school (a plus on the resum
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Thanks for the feedback guys, I already fixed most of that stuff jakelear

    Just a heads up, my parents aren't going to fully move until later in the summer, and I'm not really working on a degree, just taking some classes, I don't even know if I want to go back in fall. I definitely try contacting some of that companies you mentioned, I have a friend who is also trying to get a CG job around here and I think we're going to go job hunting soon, gave me some ideas about where to send out my folio.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Just curious from a job standpoint why would you want to stay in KC? That has to be even less of a hub for CG related jobs than Ohio... you're going to have to move eventually anyways.

    Personally if your parents are supporting you and not forcing you into finding a job right now I'd take full advantage of that. Being able to sit down and work on your artwork at least 8-10 hours a day will start preparing you for a REAL job in this field. By having some other job unrelated to Game Art your sucking up a lot of your time with something that is going to drain you of energy when you get home and give you work you can't apply to this field.

    Unless you find something that is really applicable to this industry and giving you valuable experience your time is much better spent building a strong portfolio, or doing freelance work.

    Always keep in mind your goals and how you need to reach them. You can't lose track of that, so build a plan of action and stick to it. I've had way too many friends get complacent with themselve at some "job" they didn't really want and now they've lost all hope into getting into this industry.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    vcortis is right on.

    I'd also suggest if you can't get in an industry job by the time frame you've allocated yourself, look into going to a school that is close to a bunch of industry jobs. You'll be able to focus on your craft, potentially meet industry people, and maybe even intern (who knows?).

    Point is, if you're moving take the opportunity to place yourself in a good spot. You're young, so don't have too much expectations, especially when the industry is a little slow right now. Just get some good work done.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    @vcortis, unless I find a game art job I want to stay in KC. I work part time right now (15-25 hours a week during school, was planing on keeping around the same hours so I can work on my portfolio, I don't want to over work like Firebert was talking about)

    Surprisingly I just got emailed by a local studio (I actually sent them an email before I realized they had sent me one first).
  • god3ila
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    god3ila polycounter lvl 10
    Just a quick thing about working on personnal project to improve your skills during your free time.
    I was watching a video from a concept artist named Brad Rigney, on youtube (that was a video for MassiveBlack). He said that, people often ask him "what can they do, to improve their skills?".
    And he said that, the real question is : "What are you willing to give up?"
    I think he's right, it's all about time. If you want to get more works to fill up your portfolio, you'll have to drop something to get more time.
    Vcortis, talks about 8-10 hours a day, and he's right. Maybe you not able to spend as much as time on working, but if you can, try to reach it.
  • Rens
    god3ila wrote: »
    "What are you willing to give up?"

    That, just that right there.

    Depending on how much you want this, i suggest you make a dayplanning that goes.
    wake up > work > sleep.

    Right now your portfolio could use some extra.
    You have just a month or two to make a big change.
    Also add some maps and wires, it will boost your chances.

    Drop what ever you can, shut off your messenger during the day, look at polycount in the morning, and once again in the evening, it will save a lot of time and focus.

    Just go for it.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Just got off the phone with a local studio, they do unpaid internships, and are starting to do some game work (for utility), but they want to see more texture work/animation/character work, and I have a meeting next Tuesday. D: Gotta download 3DS max, too. :P
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Rens wrote: »
    i suggest you make a dayplanning that goes.
    wake up > work > sleep.

    Sounds like the last 4 years of my life lmao
  • Rens

    know the feeling all too well
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Progg wrote: »
    Sounds like the last 4 years of my life lmao

    Sounds like the last 3 years and future 4 years (that are going to start in sept) of my life. :(
  • god3ila
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    god3ila polycounter lvl 10
    I think it's the price to pay for doing this job... But what a job! :)
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    god3ila wrote: »
    I think it's the price to pay for doing this job... But what a job! :)

    no it's not :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I have slept less than 15 hours this week. D: damn finals and sculpture.
  • god3ila
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    god3ila polycounter lvl 10
    vahl wrote: »
    no it's not :)

    For the french people :
    Bon okay... C'est un taf de merde avec des conditions de merde, et des salaires merde. Mais on va essayer de pas trop d
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    ZacD wrote: »
    I have slept less than 15 hours this week. D: damn finals and sculpture.

    The question is....how the hell do you sleep during the finals?

    Oh right, right the Art school....<.<

    EDIT: Make no mistake, I am not intentionally pulling your leg since past 2 threads...I am at work pulling the all nighter and extremely bored :(

    Studying and PC reading while I am bored
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Well community college + art classes, painting a giant retro TV with legs, paint, wait 30-60 minutes, repeat, been at it since 10 am (well doing nobs and legs earlier today).
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    god3ila wrote: »
    For the french people :
    Bon okay... C'est un taf de merde avec des conditions de merde, et des salaires merde. Mais on va essayer de pas trop d
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Truth.. seriously though for a LONG while I was spending at least 80 hours a week on artwork. That's not including my 20 hours a week for work, school, or time spent with my gf or friends, or eating.

    You do have to give up a lot. That means not going out and doing things as often. Not getting enough sleep. Etc. You really have to prioritize things in your life and come up with a solid plan to achieve your goals.

    For someone who now works in the Game Industry I spent probably less than 12 hours a month playing games... or about 3 hours a week and that's on a good week. Most of the time I was playing I was looking at how things were constructed too.

    Like others have said... "What are you willing to give up?"

    My other buddy who just got a job at Nickolodeon had to live in our laundry room for 6 months and then share a studio apartment with his brother for another 6 months. He worked at a bakery to pay rent (his hours were usually from like 7 P.M. to 4 A.M.) and the rest of the time worked on CG Art. Remember all of this builds character and prepares you for the real world!
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Your portfolio needs more meat and potatoes. Build an environment in sandbox or udk. Better yet, build an environment in sandbox AND udk.
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    I agree with cholden, needs more potatoes. 3-4 good environments.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    I'll be the first of to ask...I couldn't help overlooking "Zac" said "boyfriend".

    nekkid pics?
  • god3ila
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    god3ila polycounter lvl 10
    vahl wrote: »
    il suffit de ne pas bosser pour des Fran
  • Tom Ellis
    Junkie_XL wrote: »
    I'll be the first of to ask...I couldn't help overlooking "Zac" said "boyfriend".

    nekkid pics?

    While you're the first to ask, I'm 99% sure you're not the first to notice. I read and was like 'ZacD is girl?!!' but then I stopped being so ignorant and realised he could of course be gay.

    I think that air of uncertainty along with the fact it's unimportant and personal kept people from posting, but I can guarantee people noticed it and wondered.... I certainly did.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    @Junkie_XL no noodz for you.

    @creationtwentytwo Not important? I'm sure most "straight" people here would list their girlfriend as a factor. I wouldn't want to make my partner move half way across the country for a job that's just resume filler for me, and its the major reason I don't really want to move to Ohio.

    @vahl I'm working on a few pieces right now (dug up some old finished stuff, gotta clean this shit up, I'll start a thread in P&P once I get more finished)
  • Rens
    Zac.. read his post again.
    Think you misinterpreted it.
  • Tom Ellis
    Yeah you read my post wrong Zac. Of course a partner is an important consideration for sure, but that's not what I meant.

    I meant that you suggesting you had a boyfriend prompted the question as to whether you are gay or female, but since the answer to that question is neither important or relevant to this thread, nobody had mentioned it.

    Sorry I probably coulda worded it better.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    oh yeah, I'm gay. :P sorry for the confusion. I didn't think Zac was a popular female name these days.
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