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Apartments in Plano, TX

polycounter lvl 11
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iamtravis316 polycounter lvl 11
Hello everyone,

I just got the e-mail saying that I'm accepted to The Guildhall, at SMU:). I was just wandering if anyone had any suggestions on apartments. I'm looking for a cheap studio apartment or 1 bedroom, preferably near the Guildhall. I was just wandering if anyone who lives in Plano could suggest some good places. Any help would be apprciated.

I'll see y'all there in Cohort 15!



  • 3dimentia
    Actually, I just moved to the area myself for an industry job. You can't really go wrong on places IN plano, as far as being "nice". Plano is quite the affluent area. I can't say much for price, though when we were looking at 2 and 3 bedroom places, we found some for between 900-1300 a month, so you could probably find a decent price. Do you have anyone you could room with to make things cheaper on you?

    Good luck!
  • KhAoZ
    Congratulations on getting in Guildhall! I heard they have one of the best programs for games in the country these days!
  • skankerzero
    try the shops at legacy apartments. very nice and fancy.
  • iamtravis316
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    iamtravis316 polycounter lvl 11
    thank y'all. yeah I was looking at legacy apartments. and all the apartments do look great in plano. I just found out on the SMU site that they have a list of 4 places that give SMU student discounts or at least I hope the still do. So I will probably stick with those.

    I hate how the info your looking for is always in the last place you look lol. I was searching google forever. Then I just get back onto the Guildhall page for about 2 min. and I found what I was looking for lol
  • 3dimentia
    Good luck with everything. Remember, school is only as good as how much you put into it! Have fun and be sucessful.
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