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Why the plugins do not appear in the maya plugin manager?

polycounter lvl 13
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guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
Today I found that all the plugins disappeared which should appear under the Other Registered plugins column in maya 2011.
I had just downloaded a plugin from highend3d, but when I open plugin manager to load it I found no one. Who can help me how to tackle with this. I am really confused. Thank you very much!


  • guangh69
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    guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
    I had put the plugin in the plugin folder, and all the plugins that been shiped with maya all disappeared too.
  • guangh69
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    guangh69 polycounter lvl 13
    Sorry for not described the problem clearly. Now I had found the answer. I had not installed bonus tools 2011, and the plugins which is missing in the plugin manager are belong to bonus tools. Maya had copy the plugin folder from 2010's plugin folder to 2011'plugin folder. . So when I open the 2011 plugin folder the plugins do exsit in the file folder, , but they do not appear in the maya plugin manager. They are the wrong version.
    I am stupid. Thank you very much.
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