This thread is now some kind of meta thread for my work. I use this spot now to give a summary of what's in this thread.
and maybe one day model for arma 2/3

custom model for gta4

2x custom model for Fallout3

ok now I create a thread for it.
atm I'm working on the textures. I should be ready to post a pic the next days.
Below the lowpoly with ao, wip spec and normal map
ca 9800 polys and one 1024 map (diff, spec, nm)
bit lower then fallout 3 specs (at least regarding the texture size)
but I will get the model in game with some kind of hack, so it does not have to work together with the other clothes/armor models

Very nice.
AND OMG I'm planing the next one already too! (fo3 is like a gold mine for me
I've changed the textures a bit to read better ingame
And I'm basemeshing here.. this will be a vault scientist survival suite
with sensors in the boots and an advanced decontamination module on the back
I've tried to match the style of the game and the specific time period without being too close to whats already there in fallout3
the face is so far a placeholder
The first one:
Any chance of a LED glow around the eyes? Maybe even baked in?
The cod piece/dick guard reminds me of the GI Joe Cobra logo. That's neither good or bad just an observation.
The last one:
This is looking great! Keep up the amazing work!
woogity: no this time a normal human except a normal face bores me, than it will be a cyborg again
Justin_Meisse: I've created a new race for it and with the console command 'showracemenu' I can switch to another race/model, quite awesome what fo3 allows you to do out of the box
Harry: you don't need rigging tools, its all based on the nif format and there are more than enough free importer exporter and model viewer for it
bigtime looking forward to this retro style suit
new one is looking fantastic so far, really like the designs you've got goin on
soo cool.
the new guy looks like he needs lots of useless/exuberant stuff.
I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been more modding into the Fo3 engine.
I'd love to add more stuff to the suit but as fallout places guns and stuff around the body and the hands are very close to the body when idling I keep it clean
Current state:
I want the folds on the pants to look like one of these old nasa space suit but its hard to get it right.. next time I have to try another way of doing it but for now I have to see how it looks on the lowpoly first.
I've also used a material that bumbs up the folds more to make them better visible on the render
I'm not 100% settled with the head but I like it's the mixture of scientist nerdyness and weathered skin look of someone living in the fallout world
Maybe it's a little late, but don't you think a cyborg (this first model in thread) have a too small (or too thin) feets?
With the upper part of him it's looking a bit unproportional for me, looks a little unstable.
on crits, the pants are super wrinkly at the moment, if you are going for old-school space suit type material than its perfect if not, maybe a bit much.
hey levus!!
yes the whole model is a bit stylized and maybe not the best example for a functional robo leg system, but imo it looks believable enough to don't stand against the advantage of the nicer proportions. But it wouldn't be a big deal to change the length of the feed if somehow necessary
cheers mate for dropping in!
woogity: yes I've worked on the folds a bit more .. and I've mixed refs from some of the different space suits.
there you can find high res pics of all major spacesuit designs the nasa used
OK, this is the lowpoly around 7500 polys with a 1024^2 texture for everything
I'm right now baking a AO map with 4x aa to clean up some of the jagged lines
and this is the uv layout. I see now I could have used a bit more space for the lower feed but well.. I guess I will survive it.
ok, finished texturing so far (1 x 1024 - diff,spec,normal)
I'm not absolutely happy with the proportions but at least the bit bulkier version (on the picture below) looks a bit more realistic even if not that stylish
but there is too much tech in the suit to make sense if it would be slender
and in fo3 everything looks more slender ingame then in max..
If someone has an suggestion/opinion I would be happy to hear it
anyway, here's the pic
rasmus: yeh, I'm also wondering why this kind of cyborg theme is served so less.. esp because it comes up more then once ingame
frell: as good es everything is build in separate pieces as you can see on the picture of the basemesh (page1). I think its most of the time less time consuming then sculpting it in and you have more control over it afterwards
I would however like to see some more white on his body, as at the moment it feels very monochrome, and his head is contrasting with that in a way that makes the rest seem unfinished.
I fear you may have been too with his body.
imo thats a good point you have.. mostly bc I was thinking about the exact same thing. I'm not that worried about the monochrome look but I've done some changes to address this point a bit. The biggest trouble gives me the balance between too-busy and too-blank (as usual)
I've tweaked the textures but there are no huge changes
only your last sentence is a bit of a riddle for me atm. what are you referring to with "too" ?
What I want to do now is to set up a basic background and build a gun.. (lets see how motivated I'm) for the final image
I should also add that, if it was in any other game it might not be such a problem, but Fallout 3 is very monochromatic itself, and you happened to pick just that specific colour-range for his suit, making it appear more bland than it is.
MightyPea: ok now this makes a lot more sense to me! Fallout is really a bitch concerning shader settings. In some Buildings the light is really really nice and the model looks almost like in the max viewport.. but when its day and you're outside it kills a lot of the details with overbright desaturated tinted hdri overkill.
But with some tweaking (I first made the mistake not to include the normals, tangents and bitangents into the nif) and some try and error with the glossiness value it reads now a lot better. I'll post pictures when I'm finished
demilich: the big image is from max viewport with my own shader (or 3point. hmm was playing around with both so not that sure yet) and the model itself is used in fallout3
gauss: hehe nice to hear
Ok something else but not entirely unrelated:
inspired by the work of nedyal
this was a first, quick and dirty test.
I'm using 1x 1024 and 1x 512 - diff, normal, spec