So I see a lot of modelers cleaning up polydisks by eliminating the converging triangles from a center point (middle), to to making new edges that pass back and forth across the disk(left). This only saves a few polys, so i was wondering, is there another reason for doing this? Does a high amount of of polys converging on a single point (far right) cause problems in realtime rendering or something? Or is the center one ok? I kinda like having the center point for reference in lining it up with other objects.
For low poly meshes, it is primarily to save 2 triangles, which becomes more worth it the lower poly the object is and how many time it is used on the prop. It is usually the very last step in optimization before export though, since as you mentioned the center point is very useful for snapping and aligning objects. It also creates weird loop selects if you loop select certain edges.