I bought the orange box twice, once for the 360, then for the PC .
Me too. My PC used to be awful and I didn't want to experience it laggy so I got it for 360. I still needed to buy it for computer too though so I could have the updated SDK. It was a worthy investment in my opinion though!
me 3, but traded in the 360 version and got them one at a time tf2 for 20 then HL2 through ep2 for 10 on sale at london drugs. now I have portal again and the collection is complete. excellent.
However ... I think its kinda sucky that Steam is nowhere mentioned on the page. To a novice mac user, you're given a 'free game' but the download link actually is steam.dmg. If I were to share the good Portal news with non-tech friends I am sure they would be very puzzled by Steam appearing on their system, having to set up an account, and so on.
Obviously all of us know that but it feels a bit too much like a trick somehow (again, from the point of view of someone maybe not knowing what Steam is at all...)
So does that mean after the 24th you can't run it anymore or after the 24th its not available for download anymore?
That's something I've been wondering too... The page isn't very clear. I wouldn't think Valve would stop allowing people who download it to play after the 24th though. That just doesn't seem like something they'd do. I also would think they'd say something about TRYING Portal if they were going to stop it but it says download which implies you'll be able to keep it.
gahh! 3.5 gig,
my monthly limit is 5gb, i think i gotta get that downloaded somwere else
(sucks to be on the internet via 3G, the country beginning aprox 100 meters south of here sells 15gb 3g flatrates for 15€/month, but you have to be austrian 0_o)
all macs since 2005 have 4 button mice as standard (lets not go into this again please) Plays just fine.
the mouse in that picture is from 1993!!
The reason why people still consider it "one button" is that they really are just one huge button, with 4 sensors that automagically figure out if they are being clicked.
Sounds fine on paper, crap if you want to spend most of your time gaming though. Rocket jumping is particularly out of the question.
I always ran HL2 under dualboot, but somehow this seems to work better. Not sure why - sounds was always choppy on HL2, event though same engine. I guess this native version of the HL2 engine is tweaked a little to run nicely on snow leopard
...but holy jeeze, do I understand what people meant when they said the game makes them dizzy!! Yes, it's frickin' cool to jump down one portal through another and then look down and shoot a new one before you go through--but DAMN does that make my head spin! I went to bed last night chanting, "Don't throw up don't throw up don't throw up..."
Still cool though :P This won't stop me from finishing the game! lol
It was never $50. The Orange Box was $50 which included Portal, HL2, HL2: EP1, HL2: EP2 and TF2.
i like free.
everyone likes free.
I bought it for Xbox.
Now I get to play Still Alive!
Me too. My PC used to be awful and I didn't want to experience it laggy so I got it for 360. I still needed to buy it for computer too though so I could have the updated SDK. It was a worthy investment in my opinion though!
However ... I think its kinda sucky that Steam is nowhere mentioned on the page. To a novice mac user, you're given a 'free game' but the download link actually is steam.dmg. If I were to share the good Portal news with non-tech friends I am sure they would be very puzzled by Steam appearing on their system, having to set up an account, and so on.
Obviously all of us know that but it feels a bit too much like a trick somehow (again, from the point of view of someone maybe not knowing what Steam is at all...)
Currently downloading my copy as we speak!!
That's something I've been wondering too... The page isn't very clear. I wouldn't think Valve would stop allowing people who download it to play after the 24th though. That just doesn't seem like something they'd do. I also would think they'd say something about TRYING Portal if they were going to stop it but it says download which implies you'll be able to keep it.
Wasn't bitching just trying to clear up that whole thing about after the 24th.
Now I know what everyone was talking about. Epic game.
my monthly limit is 5gb, i think i gotta get that downloaded somwere else
(sucks to be on the internet via 3G, the country beginning aprox 100 meters south of here sells 15gb 3g flatrates for 15€/month, but you have to be austrian 0_o)
Portal was good, didn't realise the training would be so short and level 20 so big. Sliced through it like a hot knife through butter yesterday.
Can't wait for the HL2 release, namely because I can grab that fucker for free!! (using my old 2003 account).
I am torn though, want orange box. Desperately.
Didnt run into this problem then I take it?
hahahaha saw that.. but i figured most gamers/artists playing it would either have a tablet or a 3 button mouse anyway.
Valve should make a new page that says Portal is FREE! (mouse not included)
the mouse in that picture is from 1993!!
The reason why people still consider it "one button" is that they really are just one huge button, with 4 sensors that automagically figure out if they are being clicked.
Sounds fine on paper, crap if you want to spend most of your time gaming though. Rocket jumping is particularly out of the question.
Portal is a sexy beast on the mac! :poly142:
Not exactly sure what you mean here haha. its the same game yknow!
that totally made my day
Looks like I will have to buy two copies of Portal 2 to play coop.
...but holy jeeze, do I understand what people meant when they said the game makes them dizzy!! Yes, it's frickin' cool to jump down one portal through another and then look down and shoot a new one before you go through--but DAMN does that make my head spin! I went to bed last night chanting, "Don't throw up don't throw up don't throw up..."
Still cool though :P This won't stop me from finishing the game! lol
Time to say:
"I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS"