Gentlemen (and ladies),
I'd like to look in to using UDK's options for fullscreen effects that is applied to the player's camera when they play through the environment I am creating.
The easiest 'effect' I can think of, in the form of a question is, "How would i create film grain?"
I don't want to create film grain, per se, but I'd like to know how to do such a thing.
Anyone have links to these or the time to write something up? I'd appreciate it!:thumbup:
To be specific, I'm looking to create the look of vintage video/film capturing. Some blur, some noise, and some on-lense dust particles. My take is it'll be a mix of using Kismet with some images (of dust) that I supply to this method, I just don't know what this method is exactly.
You can check out what I'm after here:
basically it applies your material to the screen, so you could maybe go about creating a additive noise texture that pans/moves over top each other to create a speckley grain and then plug it into the pp chain.
UDK Game - > Content -> Effects -> FX_HitFX -> UTPostProcess_Console
Add a material node as the second in the chain (location is important) though you might move it around to the 3rd, but it needs to be early.
(edit: because its a constant effect, at least thats worked best for me in my experiments)
Then Its just creating the material you want, and applying it.
Film grain/noise shouldn't be that hard. Probably just a Scene Texture Node (remember the material has to be Translucent -> MLM Unlit otherwise you jsut get black screen) LERP'd with a various other Lerps that are set up to be controlled through kismet, though if its constant you could probably just get away with some finessed Sines.
Epic work so far btw, huge source of inspiration.
A post of mine a few pages back in the UDK Thread A quick PP Mat that is sort of like the camera lense you want, except without all the kismet goodness.
shouldn't being the key word...
This... ^^ Vignette would really sell it. Plus it would be easy as hell to do.
I know this isn't exactly what your looking for, but as the others have said Chromatic Aberration could work nicely with the scene you have, here's an example of a UDK Chromatic Aberration in the UDK (By Willi Hammes) -
As for the vignette you should use some offset UV's to make a mask around the border of the screen and use a depth test. That probably doesn't make so much sense, I'll try about doing an example tonight.
Also the chromatic abb example above will alias a lot, since the scene texture isn't filtered. You should probably do the offsets 3 or 4 times with smaller increments then blend them to create a soft transition.