Need more info about the mesh. Are there other instances where it works and this one doesn't? Are the UV's correct? Same UV channel for the diffuse? How's your material set up?
Try changing the Indirect Normal Influence Boost in the Lightmass section of the World Properties from 0.3 to 0. Then re-build the lighting. That might clear it up.
Try changing the Indirect Normal Influence Boost in the Lightmass section of the World Properties from 0.3 to 0. Then re-build the lighting. That might clear it up.
are you using emissive lighting by any chance?
Need more info about the mesh. Are there other instances where it works and this one doesn't? Are the UV's correct? Same UV channel for the diffuse? How's your material set up?
Oh and as Lamont said, it's best to keep any future UDK questions in the Unreal Developer Kit - MASTER THREAD.
Bingo... you get a cookie!
Thank you!
that worked...