Hey guys i need some help with Unwrapping i cant seem to bake the Normals maps. I am unsure if i have to delete the Unwrap UVW and then make the cage ore do i leave the Unwrap UVW mod and add the Projection? also after i have done unwrapping is there something i have to add ore save the map so that when i bake it uses the already unwrapped map ore something? i might not be making any sense but i don't know any way else do explain please help.
good luck
As for uv's, here's my workflow:
1) Model the low poly mesh
2) Layout the UV's for the low poly.
3) Make the high poly mesh using maya, or max, or zbrush, or mudbox, or whatever you prefer. If you are exporting to another program, make sure the mesh is subdivided equally so that sculpting will have high enough resolution to look good.
4) Adjust parts of the low poly to better match the high poly if necessary.
5) Duplicate the low poly mesh to make a cage, and try to barely envelope the low and high poly meshes similar to poopinmymouth's tut.
6) Save the cage, high poly, and low poly, and import them into Xnormal. The XNormal website will have a tutorial on how to use it.
The only model that has to have UVs laid out is the low poly.
This is just an overview. If you need me to go into more detail on something, lemme know.
@ Neavah: i have XNormal but i have no idea how to use it lol
@ 3DRyan: yeah please i am trying like mad to bake the UV´s and nothing is working and it is seriously driving me insane.
it seems like it rearranges the UV´s and orders them in the way it feels like. hmm interesting xD
The radio buttons to the left of the yellow box...
and this is how i unwrapped muy UV´s
please help i am going crazy here
this is the object i am making
Use Automatic Unwrap is off?
Use Existing Channel is set to the same UV channel # that you created?
is this fine ore are the lines to close?
Why though, are the images so grainy? Can't say i've seen that problem before in a bake. Maybe not enough samples?
diffuse map = base color
normal map = surface curvature/detail
specular map = intensity/color of the highlight
what should i do? please help
Looks like you're applying the map to a different mesh, one that's just flat, not the same shape you baked from. What does the source mesh look like?
Also it's usually best to use UV channel 1 for most shaders.
increase your raytrace distance in your projection options in RTT, or make your cage larger if you are doing it that way. Your rivets look like they are jsut getting cut off there. Also, in your render options, try turning on MaxStar2.5 super sampling, it will be a bit smoother.
Also try maybe rendering out your normal map 2x bigger than intended and scale down in Photoshop?
Edit: Or Maxstar 2.5:)
Or hammersly
What kind of maps you make simply depends on the results you want.
AO and normal are typically the only thing I bake, the rest can be done on the texture painting side. IF you want to easily be able to tell which parts are which and make them easily selectable in photoshop, then give your HP model parts different diffuse colors in the material editor. Then you can bake a diffuse too and you will get those laid out as well...
You are only baking the things that you want to transfer from your hi-res to your low res. If its not in your highres, theres no reason to bake it.
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