I have a Maya project with various models in one folder and textures in another, it loads fine on my computer because the source is my computer - but how do I get this to load correctly from a CD?
I've been searching high and low how to fix this!
Well if I target them "D:\textures" for example, not every drive that the CD will be used in will be a \ drive, right?
Alternatively ( which is a slightly long winded process ) : -
Save your file as a Maya ASCII, .ma
As an example, let's assume you have an object called, which sources textures from a folder called images, after saving your Maya file, open it within a text editor, look at where the images are called, for instance, you may see
setAttr ".ftn" -type "string" "D:/images/whatever.jpg";
there will be many instances of this line for each texture called throughout the script, so you will need to do some sort of search and replace within your chosen text editor, you would replace the line with : -
setAttr ".ftn" -type "string" "images/whatever.jpg";
So, basically, you want to remove the / from each instance of the lines calling the textures, this example assumes that you have your model directory and your images directory inside of it, like this : -
Model ( Directory ) containing and within the Models directory the images ( Directory ). I hope this helps and hasn't confused ?
Normally I would agree with that, but the project folder would probably be hardcoded once written to a CD, so it could still pose as a problem should neovirtu need to have the CD accessed from different people on different machines with different drive mappings.