I'm new to mapping so excuse me if I've missed something obvious. I've made the letter N and, for the top surface, I want to change its colour and add graphics. To do this I've selected the polygons on that top surface (the ones I want to change colour) and applied an Unwrap UVW to them. I've then made a black and white mask in PS so as to mask out a composite material in Max.
The problem is in one corner of the N it has masked out another little N. I've no idea why. I'm sure one of you could explain this?
Update: I seem to have solved the problem by applying an Unwrap UVW to the whole object and then breaking off the top surface polygons in the Edit UVWs window and taking that into photoshop. Is selecting the polygons first then applying an Unwrap UVW mod. an incorrect method to work on a specific area?
I only wanted to apply a map to part of the object so .. Is it ok to select only the polygons I want to map before unwrapping or should the modifier be applied to the whole object and then only render out a template for the polys I want?